Feeling myself wake up, I know it has been much longer than a quick nap. The room is dark except for the little light off to the side. I can hear Frank’s little snores and when I tilt my head, he’s still in the uncomfortable chair, head down on our hands, asleep. Poor guy, once I let go of my Italian grudge-holding ways, it hit me that Frank had a right to be upset, hurt, and pissed off. Now, I got to be the woman I’ve been working to be.

“Frank, hon, wake up. Hey, Frank.”

On my second call of his name, I raised my voice just a little, but he’s up and reaching behind himself. When he pulls out a gun, I almost crap the bed.

“Frank, it’s me Celee. Calm down, hon. Everything is okay, just put that away before someone walks in and you get in all kinds of trouble for killing a hospital employee.”

His head snaps and he stares at me for a minute or two, then that handsome smile of his appears.

“You called me hon. You called me hon.”

That’s all he says. But the grin gets bigger.

“Hon, that’s what you called me. Does that mean you’re not mad at me anymore, Celee? Please, sweetheart, tell me you’re not mad.”

How is this guy lonely and single? He’s hot, kindhearted, a gentleman, and a biker. What is wrong with the female population around here? Just as I go to answer, a young nurse comes in and turns the light on. When she sees me she smiles, but when she looks at Frank she gets all red in the face and shy like. Do they know each other?

“Hey, Dingo, long time no see.”

“Hi, babe. How ya doin’?”

What? Babe? Who is this guy and where did Frank go? With my mind trying to figure out what’s going on, I missed part of the conversation.

“Are you going to be around later? I get off shift at eleven or midnight at the latest. We could maybe hang or get a drink?”

Am I invisible? Does this girl really think he’s hanging around because we’re just friends? Well, actually, that’s what we are. I mean, any fooling around has been innocent and we’ve not even gotten naked and sweaty. Maybe Frank thinks we’re just friends. I can feel my jealous bitch surfacing.

“Hey, little nursey, you’re here to take care of me not hook up with the hot bikers. And, you, get out for a while. Go walk it off, Frank.”

When he smirks, I know he can see I’m jealous. Dang it, I’m showing all my cards. He walks to my bed and leans down, not whispering at all.

“Celee, if I’m walking anything off it’s because of you. I like grown women, not little girls.”

I hear a humph behind him.

“Really, Dingo? You didn’t have a problem when me and Denise spent the night in your room at the clubhouse.”

Wait… did she say, her and another girl? I look to Frank to see he’s watching me. He shrugs his shoulders and I laugh. What else can I do? We both have our pasts. Though if we’re together, he’s had his last threesome because I don’t share.

“Frank, that is never going to happen with me, just saying.”

He leans down, giving me a soft intimate kiss on the lips.

“You’ll be all I need.”

Then he turns and walks out the door, leaving me with his pissy friend.


Scramblingsome eggs while the bacon is frying up, I push the toast down. I’ve already cut up the fruit so Celee can have a good breakfast before I leave to go work at the apartment building. Slowly, we’ve been remodeling each unit when they are either empty or we have a place to put the renters until we are done. This has been an ongoing project but with Abby in charge, it’s finally getting finished. And, man, are they looking awesome.

Hearing a noise behind me, I see Bullet scratching his ass before he sits at the island.

“Hey, brother, mornin’. You okay?”

“Yeah kinda of, Dingo, Flame volunteered us to help out Emmie and Brick with the triplets. Think I might have gotten ten or fifteen minutes of sleep all night. How do babies do it? Never really settle down. And to have three, damn, Brick had no idea what he was getting into, for Christ’s sake. And my ol’ lady had a blast telling Emmie how eventually, after we get married, we’re going to have at least six kids. SIX… Is she friggin’ crazy? No way is that ever gonna happen. Anyway, smelled bacon. Did you make enough for me or is it all for Celestina?”

Feeling for my brother, I grab the toast that popped up, put a tab of butter on each piece, throw some bacon alongside of it, and two spoons of scrambled eggs.