“Enough, for Christ’s sake, Dingo. Do you really think we’d put Celestina in harm’s way? Brother, get your head out of your ass. No, keep it shut for a minute, you’re giving me a goddamn headache. All Brick is suggesting is if we play this right, once Celestina does her part we can make a big production of her dying at their hands. No, we aren’t going to let her die, you stupid fucker, but this way they’ll leave her alone because—yeah, that’s right—she’s dead. Take a few breaths, Dingo. Celestina, what are your thoughts?”

I watch her eyes move to the huge screen that has our Zoom callers on it. One being Shadow. Celestina looks at her cousin’s head tilted to the side.

“Zoena, what do you think? Could it work? I mean, if one of my brother’s is still alive and I play the part right, then just maybe, to the world, I’ll die.”

“Well, yeah, cuz, I think it’ll work, but Brick ain’t told you everything. I’m gonna head down and when the time comes I’ll be you. Yeah, I know my face, but there is shit out there to cover tattoos, so if I use that then I could pass as you. Celestina, nothing against ya, girl, but not sure you’ll be able to do this. You have to always have alternate plans and your mind needs to be going through each option. Also, you ain’t got the dark inside like I do.”

I sit a bit taller when Celestina looks my way with the icy-blue eyes that are just like Shadow’s.

“Brick, do you think I could do this? Be honest, because I’d rather not have Shadow taking unnecessary risks for me.”

The Zoom call is muted as we watch Tink trying to calm or control Shadow. Not sure what set the psycho off, but I’m glad she ain’t here at the moment. Tank’s face shows up on the screen.

“Brick, let us call you back in like five minutes, brother. Got a fuckin’ situation.”

Then it goes dark. I look to Karma, who raises his shoulder up and shuts the screen down to sleep. Everyone is still waiting on me to answer Celestina. So I do.

“Well, to answer your question, first, I have to ask you how much you want your freedom. Second, there are stipulations to this plan, as we mentioned. Are you willing to draw out as much of your father’s wealth as possible? And then are you willing to use it as we suggest? If you can work with us, yeah, I think you could do it. Would I feel better if Shadow did it, yeah definitely. Hey, give me a second, woman. First, she can fuckin’ kill someone in like two point five seconds. Can you do the same? Didn’t think so. Second, she’s in the life and like she told you, got to rely on your instincts. Though this is your life we’re talkin’ about so if you want it, then yeah, you could do it.”

I listen as others throw in their two cents while drinking my now cold coffee. That is until Slick comes in the room with a huge pot of hot coffee. He comes right to me, warms me up, and then walks around the room. Once he’s gone the talks start up again. Karma gives a whistle and points to the television. So guessin’ our Montana friends are back. And yeah, there they are and everyone is still breathing. Tank takes a seat.

“Sorry, Brick, didn’t mean any disrespect. Had to put out a family fire. I’ll explain later. So is Celestina up to it? Well shit, darlin’, you’re right there. Child, you think you can work this to your advantage? It would set you free to live your life without always looking over your shoulder. Personally, I think you got it in ya, girl, but do you believe that?”

I watch as Tank talks to her like one of his own daughters. Guess more happened in Texas than I thought or heard about. Though Tank, over the years, is becoming a softy when it comes to abused, damaged, or neglected people, especially women. Just like his daughter, Tink, who’s sitting in one of the other chairs. Shadow is nowhere in sight.

“So we all agree this plan is probably the best we have. Oh, Tank, we had a bit of excitement right before the meeting. I was followed in by three assholes in an older car. They are literally dust in the wind, but keep your eyes open. They could have been Celestina’s past tryin’ to catch up or maybe some of the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood. We’ve had some vandalism around town with that Nazi racist graffiti shit goin’ up. Had Karma put some more cameras around so we can keep an eye out. The town needs our protection and in return, as you well know, they leave us alone while having our backs. I’ll check in with you later, Tank. Thanks for your time. Tink, take care, darlin’. Tell Noodles I said hi and to give me a call.”

Once disconnected, we sit and go over every detail, option, and alternate plan. We’re at it so long that Stitch calls in pizzas. All I want is to get this shit done so I can go home to Emmie and make sure she’s okay. Each day that goes by my stress levels go up too. The last doctor visit they set a tentative date for the Cesarean, but she said something about pressure and babies’ positions it could cause Emmie’s water to break at any time. So I’ve been making deals with the devil. Anything to keep my ol’ lady and our babies safe.


Brick toldme to go to his office and he’d be here in a second. Frank was speaking with Fury so Bubba was the one who escorted me. At first it was weird but he’s one of the friendliest men in the club. Even after I was seated on the couch in Brick’s office, Bubba sat on a chair and told me stories about Momma Molly. He even told me stories about some of the prospects, including Frank, Bullet, Doc, and Irons. Some of their antics were hilarious so Brick walked in to the two of us laughing like crazy.

“I’m afraid to ask what’s so fuckin’ funny in here. Bubba, whatcha tell her? Celestina, his stories are all bullshit all the time so don’t believe any of his goddamn lies.”

That just makes me laugh harder. The way all these men kid and joke around is something I’m not used to. My father ran a very tight ship and laughter was nonexistent and punishable if someone slipped and did laugh. Even when it was just the family, no one even smiled, let alone laughed like these people do. Bubba stands up, giving Brick a look before shifting his eyes to me.

“Girl, know that this one here is a bullshitter. I don’t ever lie and if you don’t believe me, ask my wife ’cause she’s been with me longer than your pretty self has been on this earth. Now, we’ll get ya taken care of so you can finally find yourself and be able to have a life without always looking over your shoulder. And you’re always welcome at our home if you need anything. Now, I’m gonna get my ass on the road so I can get home and spend some, shit—what did she call it—oh yeah, ‘quality time' together.”

Once Bubba is gone I feel a bit weird. I don’t know Brick at all and Frank is nowhere to be found. Brick walks around his desk, sits down, and leans back, arms behind his head. Not sure what that is all about.

“Celestina, darlin’, now is the time for you to come clean. Now, don’t give me those big blue eyes that has my prospect outta of his mind tryin’ to protect ya. Or any bullshit about how you have no idea what’s going on and why anyone is stalking you. I had Karma do some checking and, surprise, he found three banks that hold accounts for your father that have just about been emptied out. So without all the female drama, just tell me the fuckin’ truth, and remember I’m not naïve like Dingo. You might be able to pull the wool over his eyes but, Celestina, I’m older and much wiser. So talk.”

Knowing that my time is running out, I try to think of what and how much to tell Brick. Before I can even put together a thought or two, the door flies open and there’s Frank with Stitch and Irons at his sides. Stitch looks to Brick.

“Sorry, Prez, he’s more slippery than I thought. Between Irons and me, we’ll be able to drag his ass out.”

“No, it’s all good, Stitch. Dingo, put your nosy as fuck ass on a chair, might as well hear this with me. Brothers, you can leave, we’re good.”

Feeling Frank’s eyes on me, I start to fidget on the couch. Fuck, thought it would take them longer to track my steps. My life sucks.

“Dingo, we were talkin’ and your girl here was ’bout to open up and explain to me why she about closed three of her father’s accounts and what she did with the money.”

Frank jumps up, arms in the air.

“What the fuck, Brick? First, who dropped dead and left you in charge of what she does in her own life? She’s had enough of people bossing her around, telling her what to do. Two, you got your facts wrong, if Celee had done that she’d have told me. Where’d ya get your information from?”

Brick opens a folder on his desk, shifting papers around until he finds what he’s looking for. He tosses three pictures across the desk at Frank. They’re photos of me at three different banks. As soon as Frank looks at them his face goes white then ruby red. His hands form into fists. But he doesn’t say a single word, just stares at me with empty eyes. Got to try and get my shit in order if I expect any of the Grimm Wolves to help me with the rest of my plan. More importantly, I don’t want to lose him.