“Two are standing right in front of you, ready to help any way Doc or I can. I mean, my daughter can’t say enough about her Unce Dingo. And as far as Celee, give her a break too. Her life has been one fuckin’ roller coaster. Now she has no one or nothing. Well, that ain’t true, she’s got Shadow, which I can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing. See ya in a bit, brother.”

I stand back as he walks over to his bike, starts it up, lifts his kickstand, waves at us, and takes off like a bat out of hell. Doc gives me a swat on the arm then walks over to his bike. Swinging a leg over the seat, he starts up his bitchin’ bike then hits the throttle and follows Irons down the driveway. The side door to the garage flings open and Celee is standing there, tears still on her cheeks. Oh fuck, not the goddamn tears. She must have been running ’cause she hangs on to the handle for dear life.

“Oh, Frank, I thought you left me. Don’t be angry with me. Not now. I owe you an apology for upstairs. My nerves are shot and I have no idea if I’m coming or going. You’ve been my only constant since we met in Texas. Please don’t give up on me. Not sure I could take that. Lil’ shit couldn’t take it either if you left us.”

I walk toward her, grabbing her around the neck, and pulling her up to her toes.

“Celeee, either stop me or I’m gonna kiss you now.”

She stands a bit taller so I lower my head, and instead of crushing her lips, I nibble on them at first. Then I softly place butterfly kisses from one side to the other. When she moans, I press our lips together and start to explore with only my lips on her face. Kissing her eyes, the tip of her button nose, down her jaw, and over the apple of each of her cheeks, watching her the entire time.

When I get back to her lips without touching them, I lick the seam. When she opens that’s when my hunger takes over. I kiss her passionately like I’m a starved man. Which I am, hungry for my Celee. Her taste is fresh and, as we learn each other, I pull her as close to me as possible. Just when my hand starts to move the T-shirt up so I can touch and feel her skin, I hear that evil, raspy voice of Chains.

“Well, for fuck’s sake, either get a room or go to your room. There are kids around here, asshole. And don’t you have a meeting to get to, brother?”

When I pull away from Celee, she’s smiling and looking over her shoulder. Not wanting to, but I do it anyway, I look over her shoulder to see Chains standing there, his hands crossed over his chest. I pull away and turn, throwing my arms in the air likewhat.That’s when he flips me off and continues to walk to his tricked-out, favorite blue bike.

Knowing he’s right and time is ticking, I turn to Celee and grab her hand, pulling her to my baby. I explain to her the concept of riding after she tells me she’s never been on a bike before. Then I get on after putting her foot pedals down. I offer her an arm and walk her through how to step up. Show her where to place her hands, and how to hold on tightly to me.

When I start my Harley, it’s loud as fuck. As soon as I shift and start to take off, she’s laughing. Well, guess Celee likes bikes. To give her a real ride once we’re down the driveway, I grab the throttle shift and we take off like the hounds of hell are after our asses. Throughout it all Celee is giggling and laughing the whole way.


After fuckingaround on the patio havin’ a coffee break, Fury and I make our calls, also getting some confirmations. I thank my VP for letting us meet in his home. Then I follow him out to where Abby and the twins are in the yard fucking around with their dogs and that puppy Dingo and Celestina brought back.

“What, Abby, did they drop the mutt on you for today?”

“No, Brick, the boys offered to doggy sit. So they will play with him, feed him, and clean his poops up. And for that Dingo is going to pay each one twenty-five dollars. Something I’m not paying them to do with our own dogs. Though not a bad deal, I almost said I’d do it for forty-five but I’ve got an appointment with a new client later.”

“Momma, remember what I said, don’t go anywhere by yourself. Take someone with, one of the prospects or even a brother.”

I say my thanks and goodbyes before a fight starts. Those two love hard and fight harder. Before I get on my bike I text Emmie to see if she’s okay. Not even a minute later I get a yes and a bunch of silly emojis. Now for the hard shit. If this don’t work, it can not only get Celestina killed but could wreck our club and all the other folks who are gonna be involved. We’ll see what everyone’s input is and get something together so we can put an end to the assholes hounding that poor girl of Dario’s.

The ride from Fury’s to the clubhouse isn’t long but it’s a nice day, sun is out, and I love being on my bike. It puts me in a good mood, which I’m sure all my brothers will be happy about. Now, usually, when we have something like this come up, it’s only members in Church. But since this is Dingo’s shit, I told Fury to make sure all the prospects who aren’t working a job get their asses there also. So we’re gonna have a full house. Probably won’t have the meeting in Church but out in the gathering room. It’s bigger and more comfortable. Running through what I’m gonna have to explain in just a few, by the time I realize how close I am to the clubhouse, I see I got me a tail. Son of a bitch. They are hanging back in an older Buick or Oldsmobile, not sure. Two in front, and one in the back, so three. Well, this is gonna get interesting for them in about four minutes.

As I turn down the street to the clubhouse, I hit the throttle and zoom down, finger on the horn. By the time I hit the gate, the car has sped up but is still back there. Stallion and MacGuire, along with Slick, are at the gate. Slick is opening it and the other two prospects are armed like they’re going to war. Which we are. I turn in and immediately downshift and hit the brakes. Before the gate is closed and the brothers are behind the brick shed, I’m off my bike, leaning it on its kickstand next to the shed, and I’m right there with them.

The car slows down and the asshole in the back’s window comes down. I see the barrel of some kind of assault weapon right before he starts firing. The car comes to a complete stop and the front passenger window opens, and I see something get flung out. When the gas container explodes, it doesn’t do much at all. Then I hear pipes coming down the street. Fuck, whoever is coming down is going to be like sitting ducks for these assholes.

“Fire and make sure you hit these assholes. Now, come on, let’s get this done before our brothers ride into a hellfire.”

I don’t know if it’s the sound of guns firing or the assault weapon, but suddenly I don’t hear the pipes making their way to us. I pray whoever it was heard and either stopped or turned around so they could warn the others.

One of the prospects hits the passenger in the head as brain matter is all over half of the window that didn’t get rolled down. Two tires are flat on our side. Fuckers would be smart to just give up and get the hell outta here. That’s when I hear it. Bikes, and sounds like quite a few. I watch as they round the corner and right in front is Chains, a maniac smile on his face. Son of a bitch, I thought when they adopted Luna May he’d calm his ass down. But as usual, he leads the pack.

The bikes split in two rows, flying by the car. At first, I thinkwhat the fuck, but then the car blows sky high. Well, damn, someone threw a grenade. Slick sticks his head out, face white and full of sweat.

“Boss, you okay?”

I think to myself, Tank owes me for letting this asshole into my club.Especially since he’s not a biker, though he’s trying to prospect and seems to be holding his own so far.

“Yeah, Slick, I’m good. Go open the gate.”

Well, so much for a boring meeting.

* * *

Dingo’s face gets any redder, we’ll have to put a call in to Grace or Spitfire ’cause he might be havin’ a heart attack or stroke with all the screaming he’s doing. Fury lets loose, which is rare for my VP.