So looking her in the eyes, I tell her the only thing I can. And it comes from my heart.


With that she stares for a quick minute then busts out laughing, which takes the intensity and stress levels down. Then for the next, crap I don’t know, forty-five minutes to an hour she asks question after question. I answer as honestly as possible, the only time I leave is to switch my trays in the ovens.

And this is how the guys find us, knee-deep in coffee and sweets, and both of us laughing hysterically. When I catch Wyatt’s eye, he winks and mouths, “Thanks, Momma.” I just give him a quick nod while Dingo looks like a little lost puppy.

Speaking of the puppy, I hear the barking before the cutest little dog comes running up from back where the apartment is, Spitfire following him, I’m assuming.

“Sorry, y’all, the ding dong who was supposed to work this shift didn’t show, probably living hog wild. My boss is fit to be tied. So I’m fixin’ to head to work. Celestina, he’s plum adorable. Got him to do his duty in the back yonder. I reckon he’s feeling better, it was—you know—put together and formed. See y’all later.”


She is gone before I can even grasp what she just said. I look to Abby to see her smiling, along with all the men. Frank has the puppy in his arms while the lil’ shit licks his face. Something catches my eye and I see Fury looking at me.

“Celestina, Spitfire’s way of speaking kind of grows on you. Takes a while though. She just wanted to let you know shit went down at work and she got called in. Your pup is good and she’ll be back later. Now, Brick and I have a few calls to make. Let’s say everyone meet up at the clubhouse in two hours, and we will go over what we’ve come up with. And, Celestina, just ’cause we think this will work, you have final say in this. It’s your life, so make sure you know and understand every aspect of what’s going on in it. Good. Now, woman, get me a coffee.”

I watch as he smiles at Abby, who flips him off nonchalantly. Then he grabs his mug and heads through the wide opening to the island, where there is a shit ton of stuff. I try to concentrate on what everyone is saying but I’m beyond nervous. When Fury returns, he has three mugs. He hands one to Abby, one to me, and keeps one for himself. When I go to take a sip, I smell alcohol so I look at him. He nods so I try it. Holy mother of God is this good. Not sure what’s in it but as it travels down it leaves a warm path behind. After just maybe two or three sips, my anxiety is leveling off. Maybe this will work out, only time will tell. With that thought, I know time is speeding by me with all the assholes, racists, and mafia jerks looking everywhere for me. The more I think about it, the anxiety starts to weigh down on my shoulders. Well, until I feel a puppy dropped onto my lap and two strong hands start to massage my shoulders and neck.


Damn,Celee’s shoulders and neck were so fuckin’ tight I couldn’t believe it. When I dropped lil’ shit onto her lap, I could just see her anxiety and depression starting to settle in again, even after Fury gave her his special coffee. As part of the Grimm Wolves, I get the pressure of being in a life that isn’t normal or all good. I mean, we do both good and bad in our club. We’re doing more good now than back in the day, from what I hear, like when Brick’s dad, Griller, ran it. And like Celestina, I also get coming from a crazy as fuck family, which can mess with your head too.

The difference between Celee and me is that my chosen family does do good, even if we break laws to get it done. Her father, brothers, and all those in that demented circle do horrific things, each worse than the last. Her father, Dario, having that auction house up in Montana and selling human beings for profit. Sick as fuck. And we never knew that was going on. Fuck, neither did Tank and he lives right there in Timber-Ghost, Montana.

So when I touched her, I just was going to give her a squeeze of support but then I felt her tension. I had to do something, so I started to rub and massage her shoulders and neck. Not sure who was more surprised Celee, Abby, or my brothers. I don’t care as long as she’s okay with it. Time for everyone to realize I’m more than entertainment for the club.

Now I’m waiting for Celee to put some jeans on ’cause we’re heading to the clubhouse to go over the plan. She wasn’t happy I wouldn’t let her jump on the back of my bike in shorts and flip-flops. What the fuck? This ain’t no goddamn television show about bikers. This is real life and if we go down you’ll leave toes and skin for miles. I look up from my phone to see her heading my way.

Well, hot damn, she’s got on a pair of skinny jeans tucked into, not sure maybe, Doc Martens, and a Harley T-shirt on. And her hair is braided with a doo rag around her head. She looks hot and so fuckable. But where and how did this happen?

“Before you ask, I see your confusion. Abby let me borrow some shit. Her boots and the T-shirt. Will this be okay,Dad,to get on the back of your bike?”

Oh no, she didn’t go there.

“Celee, hey, I was only tryin’ to make sure you had some protection in case something happened and we went down. Not that I plan for that to happen, but shit, there are assholes out there in cages who never see bikers. If it’s too much of a bother, go put on your tramp shorts and tiny shirt with your flip-flops, and you can follow me in my truck. Fuck me, see what happens when you try to be a nice guy?”

I turn and stomp down the stairs to the spare garage where all of us who rent store our shit. I leave Celee upstairs, mouth open, with Tiny, Bullet, and Velvet. Irons is down here already pulling his cover off his bike.

“Dingo, you okay, brother? Face is red as can be. What’s up?”

“How do you do it, Irons? This shit with havin’ a ol’lady in your life? Brother, it’s like no matter what you say or do it’s the wrong thing. I’m so fuckin’ pissed and really shouldn’t be. It’s not like Celee and I are really together. For Christ’s sake, haven’t even fucked her yet. And now our entire club is goin’ to bat for her and she acts like I’m being a dick to her when I’m lookin’ out for her. Whatever.”

Doc stops what he’s doing and walks over, leaning against Tiny’s bike which is ready to go.

“Really, Dingo, what’s got your balls in a vise? Is it the woman or is it something else? You’ve not been yourself for a while now, and I just thought maybe I’d give ya some time and room to work it out. But it ain’t working out, so talk to us, brother.”

“Remember when we all were single and used to do shit together, ride, get drunk, get laid, and cause chaos? Now look at the brothers. Brick is in deep with Emmie, Beast with Kathy, Fury and Abby, Stitch with Grace, you, Irons, with Joy, even our baby Bullet with Spitfire. Fuck, Bad Dog is hanging with Beast’s mom, Odina. I’m starting to feel like a third wheel in my own club, and I’m not even patched in yet. Not sure how you feel, Doc.

“I think everyone just sees me as the carefree guy who’s the clown of the club. Always there to provide a laugh. I don’t belong here with you guys, and it sucks. I’ve put in so much time and lately been thinkin’ of just pullin’ it before it gets any further, ya know, patch and rocker with the tattoo.”

Irons stares at me for a minute then looks around the garage before his eyes land on me again.

“Dingo, gonna be honest. What you’re going through is part of being an adult, motherfucker. Life continues to move and rock all through our lives. We can’t just pick the fun shit; it don’t work like that. I mean, since I started prospecting I’ve seen the changes in the club too, and in myself. Then when the brothers start talking about the old days where it was way different; I’m glad I’m here right now. This is my time to be with the Grimm Wolves. Just like you. Nothing in this life comes with everything hunky-dory like my Everly says. It’s ups and downs. Gotta learn to manage, then follow ’cause it does that you’re whole entire life. And even if you drop and don't get patched in and grab the ink, do you think these men are gonna let you go without a fight? Dingo, think for a second. They are not your club brothers, but they, no, we are your family.

“How do you think Brick, Stitch, Chains, Karma, Bad Dog, Fury, Puma, and Bubba feel. Especially Bubba, he was around when Griller, Brick’s old man, was prez. Don’t get stuck on the itty-bitty shit, brother. Look at Joy and me. For years we struggled but if not for the club and, hate to give him credit… Chains, we’d have never gotten to this point. You don’t talk about it much, but your years before here weren’t good. No, not askin’, just stating an observation. Don’t start comparing people to those in your past who fucked you up. Judge each person on their own merits and, more importantly, how they treat you.

“Now I got to get my ass in gear. Brick asked me to do something before the meeting and don’t want to get a fine or an ass-chewing because it ain’t done. Dingo, if you need a friend, you have many in the club, brother.