“Chains, what the hell are you talking about? Welcome to what?”

“Look around this table, ya dumbass. Stitch, Beast, Fury, Brick, and me. Why do you think our very wise prez ordered all of us to be here?”

“Look, I’m about to lose my mind. I don’t know. Have no idea.”

“Dingo, we’ve all been where you are right now. That’s what happens when you care about someone, no matter what bullshit they’re carrying or draggin’ with them. Your Celee caught you, brother, without you even seein’ it. We saw it, brother, and are here to support you and protect her. That’s what this club stands for, and you’ve done it enough times for each man here and their families.” My head drops to my lap as I’m overwhelmed with emotions. Feeling a hand on my shoulder, don’t need to look up to see it's Stitch. I feel the calm and steadiness of what he is. Without words, my brother is able to give me the peace of mind so the raging fear that is building in me subsides a bit. My life as I know it, the clown of the club, sweet butts galore, and just havin’ the time of my life drinkin’ and fuckin’ around is over. And I’m not complaining or sad about it at all.

“Brother, what you lose isn’t even a tenth of what you gain. Promise ya, Dingo. Look at what Grace brought to my life and she keeps giving me every single fuckin’ day.”

With Stitch’s voice in my head, I deep breathe before I make a total asshole of myself. Now it’s time to figure out what plan Brick and Fury have come up with to make sure my ol’ lady survives all this bullshit so we can maybe have a life together.


Knowing Wyatt is meetingwith his brothers, I am in the kitchen doing what I love to do: bake. When the men come out, they’ll want something to eat and since I don’t feel like making breakfast, I settle for sweets. From the first time I met Wyatt or as most know him, Fury, he quickly became my obsession. Never once in all the time we’ve been together has he let me down. The whole club shit kind of blew my mind at first. I’m not an easy woman to live with, just ask anyone who knows me. Then add my twin boys into the mix and we are a messed-up combination. When he told me about this affiliation with the Grimm Wolves motorcycle club and how he was not only a member but the vice president, I took a step back. If it was only me, that was one thing, but I had the twin boys who were young and my world. Wyatt being Wyatt understood why I needed the time, and he never rushed me. That was one of the things that stood out for me. Back then, the club was into some shady as fuck shit and being a mom, that kind of put a huge red flag up. But like their momma, my boys fell in love with Wyatt after only a few times of him being a part of our family.

When he got hurt, no almost killed, on a run, Brick somehow found me, and told me to get my ass to the hospital because he was calling for me. I decided, right then and there, I’d rather have him in my life for however long than not at all. So here I am now, baking my ass off because we have a situation yet again. I’ve come to grips with all that is the Grimm Wolves and have even made friends with most of the ol’ ladies. So when Celestina stumbles into the kitchen, I can tell she’s in the same spot I was in all those many years ago. Confused, scared and falling in love with a brother of the Grimm Wolves MC.

“Morning. Can I get you some coffee?”

“Oh, hi, Abby. Yes, please, if you don’t mind. Clementine told me it was okay to come down. I’m waiting on Frank and his brothers so I can learn what the plan is.”

Unable to hold it in, I laugh out loud. Her icy-blue eyes squint in my direction as her hands form fists. Yeah, this one has some spunk to her, that’s for sure.

“Sorry, Celestina, I’m not laughing at you, just at you actually calling them by their real names. I almost had to ask who the hell Frank was because to me he’s always been Dingo. And poor Spitfire, she has so many names, not sure she knows which one to answer to.”

Her head tilts as Celestina takes me in. Eyes go from my toes up to my hair. Not sure what she’s looking for, but I’m secure enough in myself, I dress now for only me.

“Something wrong with the way I’m dressed, sister?”

She shakes her head, a bit of a grin on her face.

“Abby, you sure don’t fit the image of a ‘biker bitch.’ That’s what I’ve been thinking and why I was checking you out. Sorry about that, I’m not the best with interacting with people, especially women. Though Clementine barreled right in when we met. This whole club thing isn’t anything like I pictured. I mean, look at this house and property.”

“Celestina, I know you’re smart and have already figured out what the Grimm Wolves club is about now. Well, back in the day, it wasn’t like it is now. We’ve seen our fair share of blood and guts. Saying that, know that when the club decides to help and protect someone, they never go back on their word. If you want a life that is whatever normal is, then listen to what they say. With Brick, Wyatt, Stitch, and even Chains involved, they’ll get you to the other side. Just please make sure to remember they have families outside of the club who love them also. Now, I know you have a ton of questions, I can see it in your eyes. Let’s grab a warm-up and some of my goodies and sit on the back screen porch.”

My mouth drops open after Abby’s first couple of sentences. How did she know that deep inside I’m beyond worrying? My life and all these folks’ lives are at stake. Nothing can go wrong and no one can get hurt, or I’ll never forgive myself.

“Come on, Talon, don’t tell anyone. We’re twins, there’s a code, bruh!”

I turn just in time to see Abby’s twin boys come into the kitchen. Damn, something’s up with them. One’s face is red and pissed off while the other is smirking. Trouble is brewing.

“Okay, you two hellions, shut up and sit down. We aren’t starting our day off with World War Twenty-Seven Hundred, hear me?”

They both look up at their mother smiling. She plops down some juice in front of each of them, then goes to the island, grabs two plates, and piles some of her baked stuff on both.

“Breakfast of champions.”

This has them both laughing like the little goofs they are. Glancing back, I see Celestina watching the boys with such intensity it takes my breath away.

“Hey, let’s leave the hellions on their own and take a sit on the small patio right out here. I’m sure you have a million and one questions and if I can, I’d love to answer them and reassure you that everything will turn out the way it’s supposed to. Can’t say it’s what you want to hear, but shit, not the first time I’ve broken that bubble. No, relax, girl, I got you. And fuck, I can’t believe how much you and Shadow look alike. Well, minus her friggin’ awesome face tattoo.”

Again, her mouth drops open, probably because I’m not a judger. By the way I look and dress, most assume I have my nose in the air and my head up my own ass. Wrong. I was raised dirt poor and had to fight my way out of that cow town. Everything Wyatt and I have, this property and the others we rehab and rent, plus his cars, and my stocks, we’ve worked hard for everything. And this was Wyatt’s idea, his money from the Grimm Wolves work goes into a separate account. He said when the boys are ready for college or buying a house or whatever, the money will help them achieve that goal. And for him that money will be used for good.

I grab Celestina’s hand and kind of pull her to the sliding door, opening it up all the way. Hearing her shocked delight, I go to the small café table in the center, grab the remote, and the fireplace starts to flicker. Watching her face is fantastic for my secret ego. I designed this and it’s one of my favorite places in the entire house.

After we sit and get comfortable, I tell her she can ask me anything, nothing is off the table. It takes her a minute, but the first question from her is probably what I’d have asked if I was in her shoes.

“Do you think, tell me honestly, the Grimm Wolves club has a chance against the people coming after me?”