We all turn to Brick, who’s tapping his fingers on Fury’s antique desk. Glancing around, we all look beyond uncomfortable. This house is likeBetter Homes and Gardens, not a place for a bunch of badass goddamn bikers.

“Fury, calm the fuck down, will ya? Karma’s been workin’ his shit all night. When he called me this morning at what… 4:00 a.m., I waited to wake all you pussies up at a reasonable hour. Well, Emmie made me wait. Oh, Karma, remind me to beat your ass for callin’ me so early and waking up my ol’ lady.”

Karma drops his head ’cause he’s gonna lose either way. ’Cause if he calls he gets beat, if he don’t call he’d get a beat down then too.

“All right, brother, give it to them.”

Our technology brother flings open his laptop first, then pushes a tablet on also. He fiddles with both for a second or two then looks up and nods to Fury, who dims the lights. Not sure how the fuck he does it, but Karma has one whole wall that is reflecting what’s on his laptop.

“All right, like Prez said, since Dingo told us about Celestina and her connection with Dario De Luca, I’ve been trying to find what’s going on and why anyone would want anything to do with De Luca’s kid. To tell you, brothers, how deep this shit is buried, I reached out to not only Raven out in Montana but also to Celestina’s cousin, Shadow. Got more from her, surprising.”

He shifts and the wall changes as a document is now showing

“When Shadow had all her troubles with Dario and they found his compound in Montana, some of her sisters found books filled with documents. Raven has been going through them when she can, with the help of some of her sisters, to see if they can find anything about what was going on there. One thing stands out that’s been a major pain in the Devil’s Handmaidens club’s asses. The Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood. Now listen, before ya all start beatin’ me up, for Christ’s sake.”

Karma takes a minute to take a huge swallow of his Monster energy drink then gulps a mouthful of coffee. Fuck, this brother is on the road to an early heart attack. And leave it to Chains to say shit.

“Motherfuck, brother, you wanna die just come out to my shed behind the clubhouse, and I’ll put you outta your misery quickly. That shit right there is gonna tear your gut up, not to mention give you the ragin’ shits.”

That has everyone chuckling or snickering, except for me. Not something I want to think about since I’ve watched the pup shit his poor little guts out all night.

“What’s up your ass, Dingo? No smart-ass reply from ya today? Feelin’ sick, brother?”

“Nope, Chains, been dealing with my own version of the shits, so just don’t want to think of Karma shitting his guts out too early in the morning. Now can we get on with what he was gonna tell us?”

Chains growls low in his throat and goes to stand, when Brick’s hand lands on his shoulder and he shakes his head. Then our prez looks to Karma and nods.

“So after trying to find a common thing that has that asshole group and all the other folks together, it all boils down to one thing… money. Wait a goddamn minute, listen up. Janice DeThorne, Dario De Luca, Pepe ‘Juice’ Rodriguez, and Cletus ‘Slick’ Jennings. They all have had dealings with the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood. And let’s dig a little deeper now, Janice had a connection to Chains, Winnie, and Jackson. Dario is linked to Shadow, her old man the sheriff, and Celestina. Juice is the jagoff in Nevada who pimped out young girls, including Vixen. And fucking Slick, who had history with Taz, was actually trying to work with the brotherhood when he got busted by Tank. And now his ass is here for what, don’t know, but maybe we can use him or what he knows from his time in Montana. Someone in the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood is the one pushing to get a hold of Celestina. It all traces back to them. Now not sure if her asshole brother is part of them or just using them, tryin’ to find out. How one brother made it out after the damage Shadow did, can’t figure it out. She didn’t actually castrate him, but he lost a ball anyway. From what I’m hearing, he’s even a bigger prick. I’ve been hearing rumors the younger brother lived also, but got no proof. Anyway, it all leads back to money. Chains, you know Janice had all those underground tunnels with rooms full of money. The Devil’s Handmaidens found a few bedrooms full of boxes filled with cash in Mesquite when trying to get Vixen’s girl Poodle out. And if we push Slick, we’ll probably find out where they are stashing their money in Montana. So why would all these deviants hook their sick stars to a racist group? Or what does this group have on each one of these predators? Whatever, they’re hungry still and want Dario De Luca’s millions, if not billions. I don’t see anywhere that tells me Celestina is involved. She’s another victim in this vicious circle. The problem is, she knows where her father’s money trail leads and ends.”

Brick leans forward rubbing his temples. He’s looking at the diagram on the wall. Not sure what he sees, all I can grasp are names, numbers, and locations. Whoa, wait a goddamn minute.

“Karma, is that right? How could De Luca have that kind of money here? I don’t ever remember hearin’ anything about the mafia coming to our town. And we all know if something like that happened here, we’d all know, right?”

Beast stands and walks to the wall, intent on reading something right before he punches the wall, putting a hole in it.

“Motherfucker, what is he thinkin’? If he does this it’s gonna kill our mother for sure, not to mention the old man in that dump of an old folks' home.”

Oh shit, Beast has a brother who is running a rogue motorcycle club, The Satan’s Flaming Marauders. From what I know, which isn’t much, his old man was a total prick and treated his family like total dog shit. Beast left and hooked his star to Brick’s club, which pissed off not only his father, Mammoth, but his brother, Cain. Fuck, I remember when we had to rescue Beast’s mom, Odina, from the living hell her husband, Mammoth, put her in and left her to die.

“Beast, explain your temper tantrum, brother. What did your brother do, and does it have anything to do with Celestina?”

I can hear in Brick’s voice he’s getting impatient, but Beast is Beast and you just gotta give him his space. When he drops his head and turns, I see his knuckles are raw and bleeding. That shit is gonna hurt bad later on.

“Brick, fuck, Prez, I had no idea. Dmari, the little prick, has always been a thorn in my side, even before he became Cain. Seems like that old building the Satan’s Flaming Marauders owned about twenty minutes from here is part of some shit. According to this title, it was sold last year to an Elijah Smith. Now that wouldn’t matter if Karma hadn’t tied him to that racist group. For fuck’s sake, he’s one of the elders. I know when we blew their shit up in Montana, never thought they’d make their way here.”

Karma hands Brick something, which has our prez’s eyebrow raise up. He nods to Karma.

“Well, when all that shit went down with Juice, he told the powers that be that the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood swore to get revenge on the two bike clubs from Montana that poked around in their business. And a biker club from out of state. As we all know, we were the club out of state, obviously, along with Tank of the Intruders and Tink of the Devil’s Handmaidens. I think we found our link, brothers. The racist pigs need Celestina because she’s the one person who has the resources of unlimited cash. It would fund their fucked-up cause whatever it is.”

Fuck, my brother Karma is right. She’s a walking financial institute in those racists’ eyes. The money that Dario hurt, abused, threatened, sold and killed to build his dynasty. He set up his only daughter so when he was gone, the rodents and vile human beings would hunt her down ’til they were able to get what they wanted. The God Almighty dollar.Well, too bad, motherfucker, ain’t gonna happen,I think to myself. And he left her to die at the hands of animals. He never wanted her to have a life, she was his doll to play with and use.

“So what’s the plan, Brick? I can’t let Celee deal with this herself; she’ll be dead in the blink of an eye. I don’t want anything to happen to any of my brothers or their families either. Fuck, Stitch and Grace just had Joey not that long ago, and Emmie is ready to have your babies, Brick. I could take her away, try and deal with this shit myself.”

Rubbing my hands through my hair, the pressure of everything is weighing me down. Then I hear his fucked-up snicker. I look up to see Chains staring my way, a huge grin on his face. What the fuck is his problem? Can’t he see the weight of the world on my shoulders, for Christ’s sake.

“I’m glad you find something to smirk at, you crazy motherfucker.”

“Yeah, prospect, I do, and watch your fuckin’ mouth. Just was thinkin’ to myself and wanted to say,‘Welcome, brother.’”