He turns and heads out. I shift and try to get comfortable on this big bed. Pulling the many pillows this way and that way, can’t seem to find the right spot. Me moving and shifting wakes up lil’ shit so he walks over to the bed, looking up. Well shit, how do you say no to that? Reaching down, I grab him, pulling him up and under the covers. He shifts a bit, then walks to the other side doing circles until he’s partially under the covers up against the pillows. Lucky dog, if only I could do that myself.

I lie on my side so I can pet, I’m guessing, my dog. He’s so cute, got to think up a name for him. Lil’ shit is what Frank calls him but that isn’t a real name. Is it? With me petting him the puppy moves closer to me, snuggling up tight. Between the long day, all the stress of the last few months, and just life, I crash with the dog right under my chin in a small ball against me.

I feel a slight shift in the bed, it doesn’t bother me until I hear a squeal followed by a growl and barking. “What the fuck, you little monster. Bite me again and I’ll drop throw you across the room. Celee, why the goddamn hell is that dog in this bed? He has his own bed over there in the corner. Why isn’t he in that? Don’t start spoiling him now, he’ll never learn, sweetheart.” Not wanting to get into an argument right now as I’m dopey as shit after my soak in the tub, I reach up, grabbing the pup, and turn, giving Frank my back. When I don’t hear anything, I glance over my shoulder and feel heat pooling between my legs with just the look on his face. His eyes are taking in my back and definitely my ass. He’s unconsciously licking his lips, which puts dirty images in my already overheated brain. Damn, why can’t I control this need I’m feeling suddenly? I’ve gone a long time with no sex or involvement, why now and why him? Turning back, I get a face full of puppy kisses as I feel Frank get into the bed. The knowledge Frank’s right there and all I have to do is turn and crawl up his body to straddle him has my body temperature rising up higher and higher. I could lift and plunge down on him in one fluid movement, taking us down that road to ecstasy. Though it dawns on me now is not the right time. First off, what am I going to do with the puppy? Fling him off the bed? Second, if I’m going to be bumping uglies with someone, need to take care of some ‘personal’ things in my girly parts beforehand. So when his hand and arm wrap around me, pulling my back to his front, I’m unable to stop the shiver that shakes my entire body. His chuckle on my shoulder sends wetness to my thighs. Oh damn, it’s going to be impossible to sleep with him and his hot as fuck body this close to me. For Christ’s sake, I can feel his cock between the cheeks of my ass, though he’s not pushing it toward me, it’s just because he’s hard.

“Don’t think too much on it, Celee, or it’s gonna drive us both crazy. Let’s try to get some shut-eye. Tomorrow is another day and Brick wants to go over some of the shit Karma was able to dig up on your father, brothers—dead and alive—and the familia. Night, sweetheart. Night, pain in my ass lil’ shit.”

He reaches his fingers to ruffle the pup’s hair on his head, which in turn earns him some puppy licks. He leaves his hand between me and the dog. I can feel his breath against my neck, and when his body slips off to sleep, the way he relaxes into it tells me he’s totally under.

I lie here for quite a while, trying to figure out why of all the matches I picked Frank. Something, maybe it truly was destiny that we meet and come together. I can only pray my bullshit doesn’t hurt him, his brothers, and their women. That would definitely kill me.

Taking a deep breath, hoping to go to sleep, I hear a whoosh right before the worst smell ever hits my nose.

“What the fuck?”

Behind me I feel Frank rousing when he bellows himself.

“Mother of God, what is that horrific smell? Did that dog shit the bed, Celee?”

That thought has me jumping up and over Frank. I can handle a lot of stuff but sleeping with dog shit, never going to happen in this lifetime.

I lean over Frank, who’s still in bed holding the puppy. He looks at me shaking his head.

“Perfect example of why we shouldn’t feed him people food. Look at his poor face, he’s got a belly ache. Listen to his stomach. Damn, he’s probably going to get the shits next. I don’t have a clue what to do for him either. Give me my phone, sweetheart.”

I do as he asks while I watch and wait as he dials someone.

“Yeah, Bullet, sorry, me again. The pup has sick belly issues and really bad damn gas. He’s farting like crazy. Yeah, okay, I’ll get up and take him out. All right, tell her to put it on the island and on my way back will grab it. Sorry, brother. Will try my best not to bother you again. Night.”

“Did you interrupt them, Frank? I feel so bad, they’ve done so much for me already.”

“No, Celee, nothing like that. Hard to believe but Bullet and Spitfire aren’t, as she puts it, something like‘sex isn’t just the act but a coming together of two hearts and souls.’Don’t know where she’s going with it, but in a weird as fuck way I really admire her for sticking to her guns. Bullet said she didn’t want to let her momma and meemaw down.”

I knew I liked that woman. She sticks to who she is, what she believes in, and doesn’t care about what anyone thinks. Bullet is a lucky guy.

“Well, good, didn’t want to be a bigger pain in the ass. What did she say to do for our lil’ man?”

He stares at me for a minute or two then shakes his head.

“Told me to put him on a heating pad after we try to feed him some rice. She was gonna grab some leftovers from the Chinese leftovers, just the white rice. Said it should help. Also to get him outside before he blows if he’s, as she put it, ‘blowing wind.’ Bullet was laughing so hard when he hung up. Women… the fuckin’ dog is fartin’. It’s natural, why such a big deal?”

Then he gets up, stands there in a pair of boxer briefs, scratching his six-pack with one hand, and rubbing his other hand through his hair. When he rounds the bed, he leans down and picks up the puppy, who lets a long noisy fart go.

“Oh crap, Frank, better hurry, sounds like he’s getting ready.”


His last words as he literally runs out of the bedroom and down the hall, all the while swearing like a sailor. I fall back into bed laughing like a loon. The thought hits me, he’s only in his boxers. That has me laughing even harder.


Sitting in Fury’s office,I’m sweating already. My prez is staring at me, not saying a word. When my phone vibrated with the text notification this morning, all I got was it was Fury, and it read: ‘Get your ass in my office now.’

When I got here, Brick was already here but no one else. So here I am, waiting for what, I don’t have a fuckin’ clue. Last night, I barely got a few hours of sleep. Fucking puppy had the shits so after two, no three, servings of rice and the heating pad, he finally calmed down—well—after about four or five runs outside. Guess I’m going to have to clean that shit up too. Fuck, this is getting worse by the minute.

The door flies open and in walks Karma, Stitch, Beast, and Fury. Right before my VP can slam the door, Chains pushes his way in, a huge smirk on his face when he looks at Fury. Our VP doesn’t look happy.

“All right, can someone tell me why we need to meet at my home for a club meeting? Thought that was what the clubhouse was for?”