She nods so I turn and leave, heading back to the kitchen with lil’ shit following me. Bullet and Irons are sitting at the island, both with huge sandwiches in front of them. My mouth is watering when Bullet points to the fridge. I go and open it and right in front is another sandwich.

“Flame thought you might be hungry again just like we are. Come take a load off, brother, and tell us everything.”

As I sit down, grabbing half of the sandwich, I bite in, taking my time chewing so I can try to figure out what to tell my brothers. Of course, Bullet busts my chops.

“Asshole, just spill. Flame already got the down-low from Shadow. She reached out, calling her to get the scoop. Hey, don’t give me stink eye, you know my ol’ lady, right? Anyway, we are here for both you and Celestina, no matter what. The little Flame shared with me tells me how truly horrible the poor woman’s life has been. Just knowing her dad was Dario Du Luca says it all. Too bad we can’t all go back and get a chance at killing that asshole. I mean, just for what he did to Shadow, that low life son of a bitch. That these two women can even function is a miracle. And what’s this we hear, one of Celestina’s brothers is alive and breathing? Great, just what she needs. Thought Shadow took care of both of them. So what are we missing?”

As I break it down for my brothers, it dawns on me that to get this done right it’s going to take a village, and that village is mine because Celestina doesn’t have one. In fact, she has no one on her side except me, my club, and her crazy as fuck cousin, Shadow, with her club. Her odds have changed now with both clubs having her back.

After bullshitting with Bullet and Irons, I make my way back to the guest suite, knocking first before entering. I don’t see Celestina so I walk toward the bathroom. I knock softly then a bit harder. Getting worried, I slightly open the door and am shocked to see her still in the tub, fast asleep. Shit, now what do I do? Don’t want to invade her space but can’t leave her in a goddamn tub all night. I close the door as I reach for my phone, dialing Bullet,

“Miss me already, brother? Need me to come tuck your ugly ass in?”

“Fuck you, Bullet. No, can you send Spitfire down to the guest room? Celestina fell asleep in the tub and I don’t know what to do. Yeah, right, motherfucker, I know what to do in that way, just don’t want to step over any boundaries or minefields. Thanks a lot.”

In less than not even a minute or so a knock on the door comes, right before a red head sticks in.

“Okay to come in? Gracious me, oh Lord, you decent, Dingo?”

I hear her giggling at her own joke. As I try to explain,

she puts a hand up.

“Mind yourself, Dingo. Bless your heart, sugah, for being so worried. I’ll just go check on our girl, get her out of the bathtub.”

Then she reaches up to caress my cheek with her little hand. Just that little contact seems to calm me down. After setting up lil’ shit’s bed and stuff, I go and sit on one of the chairs in the corner with the table set and wait. God, I’m so tired. That is the last thing I remember before I fall asleep, legs stretched out, head resting against the wall, arms crossed at my chest.


Feeling something on my arm,I try to swat it away but it keeps irritating me. When I go to open my eyes, all I see is a small person leaning over me with lots and lots of red hair. That shocks the hell out of me, so I go to get up but hear water sloshing. Then it penetrates my slow brain that I’m still in the bathtub with water that has turned cold. I can’t believe I fell asleep in here. Damn, I must have been tired.

“Now, don’t get your panties in a wad!”

Then she busts out giggling and I have no idea why until she explains.

“Honey, you ain’t wearing any britches. Let’s get you out of there and in bed, bless your heart. Had a rough couple of days, they plum tired you out.”

Usually I’m a bit of a prude, don’t like being naked around just anyone, but for some reason I’m comfortable with Clementine. She’s like a breath of sunshine and I’ve never been exposed to someone like her. All the women in my entire life have been total bitches, trying to always outdo each other. She puts a tiny hand out to help me, so I reach up, and to my utter surprise she’s like a little hurricane. Strong as one at least. When her eyes stop on the top of my arms, it dawns on me no one here knows me or what I’ve been through. Well, except Frank and whoever he told. For some unknown reason this little Spitfire makes me feel safe.

“Well, um, do I call you Clementine or Spitfire?”

“Sugah, you call me whatever your lil’ old heart desires.”

“Clementine, my life hasn’t been the best. Shit, it’s been a living hell, a total disaster. Now I don’t say that for pity or shit like that, but to explain why I have so many scars on the tops of my arms. When I was younger, the way I dealt with anything that bothered me was to cut myself. It wasn’t the right thing to do but it helped me from doing something worse, if you know what I mean.”

She’s intently watching me, her eyes never leaving mine as she helps me out of the tub then reaches for a huge bath towel on a rack. Once I’m out of the tub, Hurricane Clementine throws herself in my arms while I barely keep the towel covering me.

“One day soon, Celestina, you and me are going to have a huge glass of my sweet tea while fixin’ to share stories. Now lemme help you git into bed. Come on, girl, reckon Dingo’s just about to raise Cain. I know you’re worn slap out, so let me git. Thank the heavens your little puppy can sleep through a storm over there. I’ll let him in if that’s fine and dandy with you, Celestina?”

Lost from the first sentence I just nod. She helps me find a large T-shirt in one of the drawers while I draw a pair of girly boxers from my bag. She gives me a hug right before she settles me in bed, then walks out quick as can be, but I hear her talking to I’m guessing Frank.

“Dang, my God you scared the fuck outta me, Spitfire. You could have at least given me some warning. She okay? Did ya get her outta of the tub? For fuck’s sake, she could have slipped down, don’t even want to think of that. She need anything before I go to bed?”

All I hear is mumbling then Frank is at my side sitting on the bed. I know this is asking a lot of him, but I don’t want to be alone in this new place where I know only him.

“Would you mind staying with me, Frank? At least ’til I fall asleep. Promise won’t keep bothering you after tonight.”

“You’re no bother, Celee. Let me tell the brothers I’m gonna go down for the night in here, I’ll be right back.”