Going to her, I once again kneel down and place my hands on her huge belly.

“Love ya, sugar. We got this and please don’t worry about any of the shit you mentioned. Told you, when you agreed to be my ol’ lady, I’d never let anything bad happen to you if I could help it. And I’ve kept my word, right? Have some faith, beautiful.”

With my head on her lap and Emmie running her fingers through my hair, I start to relax. I’m almost asleep when I hear the rap on the door before it opens up. In walks Stitch with Grace, Damien, and lil’ Josephine—or as everyone calls her Joey—in tow on her daddy’s arm in her carrier. Fuck, didn’t think the entire family was coming over. Damien walks right up to Emmie, hugging her around the shoulders.

“Auntie Emmie, we’re here now, don’t worry. It’s normal to be nervous, but you have all of us so try to relax. I’m going to go take care of Joey in your family room so Momma can talk to you. I love you, Auntie Emmie.”

I watch as a huge smile appears on her face. Once again, I thank God for my man Damien.


ThankGod Brick wanted to get home to his ol’ lady ’cause I’m about ready to fall on my ass. After grabbing a bite we followed Fury, Abby, and the two demon boys from hell back to their home. Fury told me to park Presley’s car in one of his garages to keep it out of sight.

When we got there Celestina didn’t say a word, though her eyes popped out of her head.

“A biker lives here? How much money do you guys pull in?”

Laughing, I grab her hand.

“Celee, Fury comes from money. I mean real old money. Even though his old man disowned him, his grandparents had a trust fund set up for him when he reached twenty-five, I think. And, yeah, we make pretty good money as a club, but it has its ups and downs. Abby also has her own business and she’s doing really good. Come on, let’s go in, think they’re waiting.”

When we walk in Bullet, Spitfire, Joy with Everly, and Irons are sitting in the huge great room with my VP and his ol’ lady. No idea where the boys and their dogs are. For some reason Celee seems hesitant with lil’ shit in her arms, so I almost have to pull her to one of the couches. Abby passes out bottled water before she starts.

“Celestina, you have some options here. You can go to the apartment with these guys, they do have a spare bedroom you could sleep in. Or you could stay here tonight. We have a couple of suites upstairs and you’d have one whole section to yourself. Whatever makes you comfortable. We’re here for you, all of us, and there’s no judgment on whatever you want to do. Tomorrow, you, Fury, Brick, Chains, and Stitch will figure out the next steps. Hold on, Tiger, I’m sure you’ll be there too, Dingo. I’ve got to get my hellion twins to bed before they tear the whole goddamn house up. If you decide to stay in our home, Fury can take you and that adorable puppy upstairs and you can pick a suite. And don’t worry, no way Spitfire is going to leave you until you make a decision. I can see her little momma coming out. Night, everyone.”

Abby gets up, walks to Fury, and when she’s within reach, he pulls her down on his lap—and damn—gives her a kiss like one nobody should witness, it’s so crazy intimate. I actually look at Celee, who’s watching them with her eyes wide before she looks away. When Fury and Abby are done, she pops up like nothing happened and starts screaming for the boys. Celee looks at me with an expression on her face like what circus did she just walk into. I get that we as a group can be intimidating and crazy as shit, so I smile and give her a wink. I’ll explain later how bikers are with their ol’ ladies.

“So, Celee, whatcha wanna do? Hang here with Fury and his family or take a chance with us younger people? Your choice, sweetheart, but I’m gonna say it before she bursts outta that part of the couch. Spitfire really wants you to stay with us so she can talk all night and share all the gossip with you.”

Celee’s head shoots up.

“What you say…gossip? Well, that settles it. Sorry, Fury, got to go with the all-night session of hearsay.”

Everyone starts laughing as we get to our feet. Irons is carrying little Everly, who’s half asleep. We walk through the kitchen and the one large garage that leads to the walkway. Celee’s looking around like crazy but says nothing. Spitfire comes up and grabs her hand.

“Sister, it’ll all come out in the wash and probably get really ugly. I can see you’re worn slap out, so we can gibber ’til the cows come home tomorrow night.”

Just from the look on Celee’s face she has no idea what Spitfire just said. And to be honest, I didn’t get most of it either. Bullet saves us both.

“What Flame is trying to tell you is everything is going to be okay. She knows you’re wiped, so why don’t you all wait ’til tomorrow to shoot the shit.”

Laughing, Spitfire looks at her man with a huge smile on her face.

“Hush your mouth, Tim, before I have a hissy fit. I plum reckon and declare they know what I was going on about. Heavens to Betsy, I’m speaking English.”

Everyone starts laughing then Celee grabs my hand, so I look at her. She looks ready to drop, so saying goodnight I gently walk with her to the spare bedroom we keep for guests. To me it’s fancy as shit but not sure how Celee’s going to see it. When I open the door and turn the light on her mouth drops open.

“This is you guys’ spare room? Damn, I need to become a biker. Might need to hook up with cousin Shadow. This is nicer than the guest rooms my father had in the family house. My God, is that an en suite?”

She walks through the huge room with a giant king bed, walk-in closet, sitting area with a sectional, and television area. In the far corner is a small desk. Abby did all of this ’cause none of my brothers or me could or would even think to do it.

I hear her squealing in the bathroom so walk that way.

“There’s this huge soaker tub. Can I use it? Please? Haven’t taken a bath in forever. Most motels and hotels don’t have them and even if they do, yuck, never wanted to soak in a hotel bath.”

I know the next couple of days are going to be rough for her because once our club takes on someone’s problems we are all-in. Saying that, she’s going to have to hold up her end.

“Sure, Celee, help yourself. There’s all that shit on the shelf there, use whatever. I’m gonna get something to eat ’cause I can’t believe but I’m hungry again. Didn’t eat enough at the clubhouse, too nervous. Do you want me to check on you say in an hour or so?”