Once again, when everyone is seated, I walk behind my desk and sit back in the chair. Seeing Dingo carefully trying to sit on one of the couches brings a smirk to my face. That chick has some of her own balls to do what she did in this club. Guess it’s that Italian upbringing and the old sayingshow no fear.

“All right, whenever you’re ready, Celestina.”

Not sure how late it is, but the stress showing on Dingo’s friend or ol’ lady, not sure which, is telling. We might have to pick this up tomorrow. Looking at my watch, I’m shocked to see how late it really is. Sure the ol’ ladies are pissed that we have them holding dinner up. Better get our asses out there and get some food.

“Hey, before you start up again why don’t we break here and go get some of that food the women cooked up. We can finish up tomorrow, if that’s okay? You gotta be tired, and I can see Dingo is about to pass out from the looks of him. Getting his balls racked didn’t help. For now, Celestina, you and the puppy are going to stay at the apartment with Dingo, Bullet, and Irons. Now, along with them that includes Spitfire, Joy. Oh, and Irons and Joy’s lil’ girl, Everly. Don’t know what shit you two are involved in, so if you don’t want to sleep with his dorky ass there are extra bedrooms. The estate is owned by Fury over there and his ol’ lady, Abby. I’ll let the guys fill you in. Does that sound okay? Hope it does ’cause I’m done, need to get home to Emmie. Don’t like leavin’ her for too long.”

* * *

After sayin’ all my goodbyes to not only my brothers, ol’ ladies, and the kiddos, I jump on my bike and head home. Fuck, Emmie has changed everything. I remember when, at one time, the clubhouse was what I called home. Not now, she has made sure I have solitude and a peaceful place I can come to after a long day as the president of a one-percent motorcycle club. That she’s still with me after all the bullshit is totally fuckin’ amazing. Now we are gonna have our own kiddos. Can’t believe it, though I am more than a bit nervous. It’s one thing to play with a brother’s kid but to have your own, that makes me responsible for everything about them. And we are right around the corner from having three little people.

After about twelve to fifteen minutes, I pull down the long driveway and as I approach see there are quite a few lights on. Esmeralda’s SUV is in front with another car I don’t know. I never got a call about a problem, but who the fuck is here at this time of night? Jumping off my bike, I stalk toward the front door, flinging it open. What I see I’ll never unsee.

My beautiful ol’ lady is lying down on our coffee table with the ottoman holding up her legs. Some chick is spreading shit on her pussy then covers it with a cheesecloth. What the fuck?

“Jesus Christ, what are you doin’ to my woman? Hey, stop, don’t do that. Oh my God, that had to fuckin’ hurt. My balls just shrank into my body, probably never to drop again. Emmie, you okay? Woman, open your eyes and look at me. Did you drug her? What’s wrong with her?”

Esmeralda looks at me shaking her head, a small smile on her face.

“Brick, calm the hell down. She’s meditating, trying to get ready for the birth of your three babies. And the pain is not that bad. It’s when they get to the back door, that’s when you see stars for sure.”

Why? Why, I ask myself as I kneel next to Emmie, softly touching her face, leaning down, and giving her a very tender kiss on her lips. When her eyes start to slowly open up, I smile down at her.

“Oh crap, you’re home already? I wanted it to be a surprise. Well, okay, damn it, I can never make anything a surprise for you. So here goes. Whoopie! Surprise!”

It dawns on me my shy ol’ lady is sitting on our coffee table, legs kinda spread, butt-ass naked in front of not only me but two women, and it’s not even bothering her. Pregnancy is changing her, and I’m not sure I like all of this happening.

“Well, I’m home now, so these ladies can head home. Anything you need I can get or do for you. Thanks again, Esmeralda, appreciate you spending time with Emmie.”

“Brick, I’m not done so either stay or go up to your office for about another ten or so minutes, please, honey.”

“What else has to get done, Emmie? There’s nothing here, it’s all gone. Wait, no, oh shit. Don’t do it. Esmeralda says it hurts like a motherfuckin’ bitch, and I believe her. Let it go, please. Why are you doing this, baby?”

“I read that it is cleaner and safer for the babies. Even with a Cesarean, if it comes to that, the cleaner I am the better for the babies. And it’s said men like it when a woman is bare down there. You wouldn’t like it, Mike?”

I look to the waxer and Esmeralda who nod and both leave the room, heading to the kitchen.

“Emmie, sugar, talk to me, what is really going on?”

She puts both hands up for help, so as gently as possible I help her into a sitting position. Then I wrap one of the throws off the couch around her and kneel in front of her. I grab her hands, squeezing them.

“Just tell me, please. There’s nothin’ we can’t handle if we’re always honest with each other.”

“Mike, what happens if something happens to one or all of the babies? What if I can’t manage with this messed-up hand of mine? I’m bigger than a house and I worry every single day that my body won’t be able to hang on to these children until I’m thirty-two weeks. I’m surprised I’ve made it to twenty-nine ish right now. And I’ve heard through the grapevine Dingo brought a woman in trouble with the mob. What happens if they come after all of you and in turn your ol’ ladies? I can’t go through another loss, Mike.”

Wow, that’s a lot to cover but I’ve got to try. Right when I get ready to muddle my way through, Esmeralda comes back in with the lady waxer.

“If you give us a few minutes we’ll clean up and get out of your way. Brick, can you help me carry this to Carrie’s car?”

Something is up but Emmie is so worried about everything that she doesn’t catch what’s so obviously right in front of her face.

“Sure, sugar, I’ll be right back, gonna give Esmeralda a hand.”

I grab whatever she hands me then I follow her out to the car in our driveway.

“I’m sorry, Brick, Emmie was insistent about getting you know what done. Carrie is a friend and willing to come to the house. Anyway, we’ll get out of here, just wanted to let you know I called Grace. Both Stitch and her are on the way. Thought you could use some backup.”

Damn, thank Christ. I nod then make my way back into the house to see Emmie now with one of those huge dress things on, sitting in the recliner that helps you get out of it. She needs the help, especially if she’s alone, which is hardly ever now.