“Sweetheart, in about two or three minutes the cavalry will be arriving. Until then, please sit just like you are. Don’t move around ’cause every time you show yourself it gives them a better target. In fact, get down on the floor, please. I know, but if they start shootin’, the first place, besides my head, they will aim for is your side. Come on, Celee, trust me on this, sweetheart.”

I can tell by the tone of his voice he’s stressed, so I unbuckle the seat belt and squeeze myself on the floor in front of the passenger seat. The car seems to be all over the road, but I know Frank doesn’t want to mess up Presley’s car. Suddenly, I hear a faint rumble with it seeming to get louder by the second, like it’s coming toward us.

By the time I realize what it is, I think bikes are racing by us making my heart beat like crazy.

“Celeee, get back in your seat and belt up, my brothers are here. We’re good now.”

I crawl back on the seat and when I can look around us, all I can see is bikes. All kinds of them and they are surrounding us. One points to Frank then back at himself before giving devil horns. He chuckles, which has me looking at him in shock.

“Just like Stallion, always showin’ up. Celee, get ready to be amused by a bunch of stooges. Well, most of the prospects are goofy. The members are another story. We’re like ten minutes, if that, from our clubhouse. Once we get there, I’ll introduce you to Brick and Fury, my prez and VP. They’ll tell us what they’ve decided to do and where we are gonna put you up to make sure you’re safe at all times. What’s that look for?”

“I’m not staying with you? Thought that was the game plan, but now you’re saying I might stay with strangers? Please, Frank, don’t make me stay somewhere without you.”

He looks at me with a soft face for a quick second.

“Celee, if I have any say in it, I’ll do my best to make sure we stay together. Remember though, sweetheart, I don’t have much say. I’m at the lowest spot in the club, a prospect, though Brick, my prez, is a pretty cool dude. Let’s not worry about it right now, let’s get our asses to the clubhouse first, then we can worry. ’Kay?”

I nod then lean back and close my eyes. When he grabs my hand from my lap and entwines his fingers with mine, then puts them on top of his thigh, it surprises me. Though it was the right thing because it calms my nerves to the point I don’t feel like throwing up anymore. He holds on to my hand all the way until he drives through an electric gate and pulls up to the front of a huge building that looks like a manufacturing business, though I recognize the sign from the picture on Frank’s dating page.

As he parks the car, all kinds of bikes pull in on both sides of us and behind even. My hand reaches out to his and I squeeze his hand tightly. My heart feels like it’s going to jump out of my chest, especially when this huge as hell giant opens Frank’s door, pulling him out while he fights to keep hold of my hand. I hear the giant talking to him.

“Motherfucker, ’bout time you get your ugly ass home, brother. Shit, ain’t the same around here with you gone. By the looks of it, you brought home the piece you went out there for.”

Frank jerks away and pushes his friend away from him. “Asshole, watch your mouth. She’s not a piece. Celee, come on, sweetheart, get outta the car. You’re safe. These assholes won’t bother you if they know what’s good for them.”

“Who you calling an asshole, you smart-ass punk? Your generation has no respect.”

I’m just rounding the car when I hear these words. I look up and in Frank’s direction and when my eyes meet the stranger’s, I stop dead in my steps. I feel like he was looking into my soul with those dead as fuck emerald-green eyes. They have even less life in them than my cousin Shadow’s the first time I met her.

Knowing I’m staring, I put my head down and walk over to Frank. That’s when I hear the stranger mouth off.

“Ya were right, brother, she looks just like that maniac, Shadow, without the skull face. It actually makes the hair on my neck stand up when I look into her eyes, they remind me so much of Shadow. Fuck, just what we need, more trouble.”

I feel it before I can stop it.

“Why are you talking shit, man, when you don’t even know me? And watch what you say about my cousin because it’s not good manners to talk about a person behind their back. And who the hell are you anyway? A prospect who hasn’t learned his place?”

It’s like everyone comes to a complete halt. I could probably hear a pin drop on the blacktop. The tension is growing and everyone is looking between me and the big mouth. Not sure who he is, but I’m getting the feeling he’s someone important within Frank’s club. Even he’s looking a bit green under the skin. “Well, girl, you share Shadow’s mouthy ways. Let’s say I don’t let many people talk to me that way and live.” Hearing that, I know who he is. Son of a bitch, I just was a total asshole to the one guy I didn’t even want to meet. Looking me in the eyes is the enforcer of the Grimm Wolves MC. Chains. I almost piss myself when that thought enters my mind, as I’m not sure what to do now. I’m not one to apologize and I’ve already done it with Frank too many times. Just the way he’s glaring at me, I know he wants me to say I’m sorry. Well, he can go to hell. My De Luca is showing as I’m tired and hungry, not to mention scared to death. Before I can say a word, the door swings open and I hear the angelic voice I love.

“Well, howdy, Celestina. Sugah, c’mon on in and sit a spell. We’ll do some catchin’ up because we’re fixin’ to get the food out. You look plum tuckered. Why do you look madder than a wet hen, Chains?”

No one says a word so Clementine grabs my hand and pulls me toward the door. I look back at Frank and he’s standing there like a statue as Chains stares at me. Knowing I’ll look like an idiot, I do it anyway. I wave then turn and go in.


I’m soconfused and unable to keep up with everything going on since I walked into the Grimm Wolves MC clubhouse. It’s total chaos, though I think I’m the only one thinking this way. There are kids of all different ages running all over the place. There are three boys close in age causing havoc, while a younger boy is at a high table coloring, I think. Twin girls are sitting on one couch reading. And one little princess, who’s literally dressed in a princess costume and everything, she’s playing with a bunch of dolls. Then there are the women. Clementine introduced me to them all but between the kids and the women, I’m lost. I tried to offer some help with the food but was gently pushed to the bar and asked what I wanted. So I requested my favorite, no matter what time it is, coffee. The young guy behind the bar smiled and told me it’d be a minute or two as he was going to make a fresh pot.

Through all of this I have no idea where Frank is. My comfort level is nonexistent as I feel my anxiety rising, and I figure I’m barreling close to a panic attack. It always starts like bugs are crawling all over me, which freaks me out. I’m already rubbing up and down my arms, trying to get them off. The noise factor seems to be getting louder and louder in my head. I need to find somewhere to just take a minute and breathe deeply.

So when someone puts their hands on my shoulders, that’s the final straw and my protective instinct kicks in. I quickly turn, grabbing both hands and twisting them up, hearing a man’s voice scream. Without even looking, I swing my leg back and bring my knee up into his junk. He makes a loud noise on his way down. Before he’s even fully on the ground, I have my knee on his throat and the little gun I keep in the back of my jeans against his temple. That’s when I see it’s Frank. The room is finally quiet…until it’s not.

“Mother of fuckin’ Christ, Celee, what the hell? Well, I’m sure there goes my chances of me ever havin’ a family. It’s hard work right now trying to swallow with my balls stuck in my throat. What the shit? Did you think I’d leave ya in a place that wasn’t safe, sweetheart? Um, duh, we just drove almost two and a half days together, so if I wanted to hurt or dump you that would have been the time, not when we get back to my home with my family all around.”

He stops for a minute, trying to catch his breath, while his hands are holding his balls. It starts quietly, then gets louder until I hear different men chuckling and laughing out loud.

“Well, hot damn, that one will give Spitfire a run for her money, for goddamn sure. Look at Dingo, I’ve never seen that son of a bitch’s mouth not spewing his bullshit.

“Come on, brothers, you all know he’s always got a stupid joke or smart-ass remark spewing from his mouth. Well, look at him now in agony, rolling around on the floor, hanging on to his balls, almost in tears. There’s got to be a joke there, right?”