Page 1 of Illyria


Five years ago, at the Foundation Charity Ball in New York City.

I didn’t understand these people.

I never would.

The only thing that seemed to matter to them was money, and it appeared to be their top priority. That and their fancy houses, fast cars and social standing. None of them would last five minutes in my homeland. Good old Mother Russia would chew them up and spit them out. Didn’t they realize that none of that shit mattered?

Power ruled the world.

There were two groups of people, the ones who possessed it and the ones who desired it.


“I know, Vladmir.”

My second-in-command and trusted friend had been trying to get me the hell out of this place for the last hour. I didn’t know why I was dragging my feet, but every time I got ready to leave, something inside me told me to stay.


Looking up, I spotted Montana Stone, the President of the Soulless Sinners. The Soulless Sinners were an institution in the city I called home. Like the Statue of Liberty or the MET, it seemed they’d always been here. Standing, I greeted the man.

“Montana, my friend. It’s good to see you.”

“Uh huh,” the shrewd man narrowed his eyes. “And just what brings you to this event? You never pegged me as the charity type.”

I chuckled. “I’m not, but for this good cause, I made myself available.”

“I’ll let Malice know you approve and to expect a yearly donation from now on.” The shrewd man grinned.

Shaking my head, I sat back down, motioning him to do the same. “Have you considered my offer?”



“Come by the clubhouse tomorrow and we will finalize the deal.”

Smiling, I nodded. “I look forward to tomorrow, then.”

“No date tonight?”

I roared with laughter.

“No. I wanted an uncomplicated night.”

“I hear ya,” the man said, looking around the room before narrowing his eyes. “God, I hate these functions. Nothing ever interesting happens.”

I wholeheartedly agreed but said nothing when a soft, warm body fell into my lap. Reacting quickly, I grabbed the young woman before she fell onto the floor. Holding her tight to me, she giggled as she removed the curtain of blonde hair from her face and smiled.

Montana laughed boisterously, which had the woman growling at him. “Damn, Max, and here I thought tonight was going to be boring.”

“Ignore the tattooed buffoon,” she muttered before turning to me and saying, “I do apologize. I lost my footing.”

As soon as her gaze met mine, I felt a jolt of excitement rush through my body. A feat few women could achieve, and yet she did so effortlessly.

Electrified, as if lightning struck its mark, images of her writhing under me as I pounded into her delectable body had my dick firming in my pants. She was stunning. The most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. When she wiggled her tight little ass against my crotch, my grip on her tightened, holding her still as I leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “I usually prefer dinner before dessert. However, I will make an exception in your case.”