Page 93 of Fool Me Twice

“Better? So much better to have Arin arrested. I assume that’s what you chose to do?”

“Razak wanted you, Lark, not Arin. But you didn’t come to the Overlook. And so, Arin was the next best thing.” Draven wiped angrily at his face. “It’s terrible, what I did. I know that. But I had to try. I’ll always try. My boy has nobody…”

I’d had nobody once. I knew what that felt like too, to be alone in a world so large it threatened to swallow me every time I dared look up. I couldn’t stay angry at Draven, not for loving his child. I knew that love. Had the situation been reversed and Arin had been the one in danger, I’d have done anything to save him. Still would. “I nearly killed you. Still might.”

Draven nodded, accepting his fate. “If I die, Razak will leave my boy alone.”

“Unlikely, now he’s in my brother’s sights. Our only solution is the same as it’s always been. Kill Razak.”

“I’m sorry, Lark, for all of it. So sorry…”

“Arin is the one you should be apologizing to.”

But at least now I knew the truth. And we had War’s crown. That had to be worth something. And Razak didn’t know I had it in my possession. The crown gleamed in its case. I leaned forward, staring into its barbed design.

“What can I do? How do I make this right?” Draven asked, red-eyed, bleeding, and slumped on the bed.

“Razak is more dangerous now than he’s ever been. He’s orchestrated all of this. Three crowns are close, and we’re still trying to fathom his plans.”

“Then you’re not going to kill me?”

“Ineedyou, Draven. I can’t stop Razak alone, and you have as much reason to want him dead as Arin and I. No, I’m not going to kill you. Razak clearly wants all of us here. He’s using Arin as leverage against me, and your son as leverage against you. He’s behind bars, but we’re still his tools.” We could use that, turn it on him. I just needed to figure out how.

Draven nodded, trying to get on board. He’d shaken off his tears. “What does he want?”

“Pain’s crown.”

“It’s here?

“Umair brought it to Justice while searching for a power and that’s the last anyone heard from the king. I need to get Arin out of that cell, but Soleil isn’t likely to let him go. Razak has something on Justice, leverage he’s using against them too.”

“This court is different. Itfeelsdifferent. As though we’re always being watched. Like there’s something in the walls… It feels wrong.”

I’d felt it too; it felt like secrets. Something was very wrong with Justice’s court. “Justice is hiding something. Razak knows what. He knows enough that they want him locked up but can’t kill him, lest he spills all his secrets on the gallows. I have to go back to him. If I can find Pain’s crown, it’ll givemeleverage over Razak. He needs it. With it, I’ll demand Arin’s freedom.”

“So where is it?”

“He’s going to tell me.”

I stood and kicked the lid closed over War’s crown, sealing it away once more. “Justice is looking for any excuse to put us all behind bars. Hide that somewhere more appropriate than under your bed.” I opened the door and nodded for Danyal to enter. “Danyal, this is Draven. Draven, please meet Danyal.” They glowered at each other like a pair of angry bears. “I’m sure you’ll get along fabulously.”

“And we’re not killing the warlord now?” Danyal asked.

“No. It’s complicated, but he’s on our side. Mostly.”

Draven arched an eyebrow at Danyal. “How much does this man know?”

“Enough. He killed for me. You can trust him. I want you both to find Noemi. She may help us, if she’s free to. And she’s the only one who’s gotten close enough to Razak to stab him.”

This was good, this was progress. We had War’s crown, but Razak clearly had his own plans in motion. Plans we needed to disrupt.


I looked back at Draven, seeing a man beaten down by his own actions. I understood now, why he hadn’t run from the sandworm. Understood him a great deal more. Razak had made him a victim, like he had all of us.

“Free Arin,” he said.

“You know I will.”