It was stupid to say. Very silly, but I was envious that I wasn’t the first woman he was this way with.
I huffed. Whatever impression she made on him, I wanted to do better. I had to look my best tonight if I stood a chance at competing with whatever memories of her he had left, but the reflection staring back at me in the mirror wasn’t encouraging.
My hair was a mess, and I didn’t have any makeup. I had no idea what kind of guests would be at the party, but I needed to look my best for the sake of Sergey’s pride and mine.
I glanced at the table clock on my nightstand. It was two p.m., and there were still five hours left until it was seven. Nikolai was home, and I could convince him to drive me to the salon so I could get my hair and nails done. If that didn’t work, I could have Marina request home service. It would save me a lot of energy that way, and I wouldn’t get into trouble if Sergey found out.
The corners of my lips quirked up, and I patted my stomach again. “Mommy’s a genius, isn’t she?”
It was seven p.m. Nikolai had sternly refused to take me to the salon, but he’d agreed to bring the hairdresser and nail technician to the mansion. Marina had followed him. Though I’d never seen her makeup or anything else, she was a woman, and I supposed she would have better taste than Nikolai.
Two hours was all it took for me to get my nails done. I immersed myself in the bathtub for an hour after that, dipping myself in warm lavender and rose bubbles for an hour. I needed to smell good tonight.
By the time I finished taking my bath, got dressed, and had my hair and makeup done, it was already seven. I perched by the window, peering outside as I waited for Sergey’s SUV to drive through.
I didn’t wait for long because his car rolled in minutes later. I’d missed him so much that I didn’t wait for him to call for me. I scurried out of the room, ran downstairs, and jumped on his lap, my laughter filling the air.
Sergey smelt so good. The scent of his cologne struck a sense of nostalgia and comfort in me. I could spend the whole evening sniffing him in.
“I missed you,” I said with my arm wrapped around his neck. “You have no fucking idea how empty it is when you’re not around.”
Sergey didn’t hesitate to hug me back. His strong arms snaked around my waist. “I missed you too,moy tsvetok.” He broke our hug, clamped my head, and planted soft kisses on my forehead that took my breath away, then stepping away, he drank in the full length of my body. “You’re looking beautiful, moy tsvetok. This dress was made just for you.”
Heat warmed my cheeks, and a shy smile plastered over my face. “Thank you.” I dressed his tie. “You don’t look bad either.”
A cocky smile touched his lips. “I never look bad, wife.”
“Of course, you don’t.” I laughed at his overconfidence, but agreed. We’d lived together for weeks, and there’d never been a time he didn’t look good. Not even when he was fresh out of the shower with his hair wet and disheveled.
Our relationship had improved, but I couldn’t get used to the fact that this man was mine. I still had butterflies when I was around him, and he still had it in him to take my breath away whenever he wanted.
He flattened his palm on my stomach, trying to feel the baby. “Hey, baby. Daddy’s here,” he said, his eyes filled with gleam. “I’ve missed you and your mommy so much. Did you miss me too?”
We both laughed at the question. “I’m sure he does,” I said, flattening my hand on his.
“He?” He scrunched his brows. “How do you know it’s a boy?”
“I just know.” Since I grew up alone, I’d always wanted a little brother, but my parents’ marriage was too unstable and toxic for them to try for another child. When I found out I was pregnant, I got a little obsessed with the idea of having a son that looked just like Sergey.
Nevertheless, I didn’t hate the idea of having a daughter, it was just a matter of preference, but I would love my child irrespective of whether they were a boy or a girl.
“I think it will be a girl, though.” Sergey tucked my hair behind my ear and flashed a smile that dropped my heart rate in an instant. “I want a little girl that looks just like you,” he said. “She’ll have your dark hair, your eyes, and your beautiful smile. And she’ll be just like you. Not dark, not twisted. Just sweet and alluring.”
My blood warmed to a dangerous level. It was ironic how we both wanted different things for the same reason. “We’ll love the baby no matter what it is.”
“We will,” Sergey conceded. His thirst blazed me dangerously. He looked like he wouldn’t hesitate to lift my dress and fuck me in seven different positions right now if I let him. “You’re so fucking beautiful. It’s blinding.”
Finally. I thought he wouldn’t notice. “Thank you. You don’t look bad either.” He looked delectable.
No man on the planet pulled a black suit and white button shirt the way Sergey did. He was handsome in a way that made my body come alive. I still couldn’t believe he was mine.
“We should leave now, or we’ll be late.” Sergey opened the back seat for me and strode around the car to the other side of the car. One of his bodyguards opened the door, and he got inside. The driver ignited the engine and plunged forward while another SUV, occupied by his bodyguards, followed.
Less than an hour later, we arrived at the party location. The hall was cluttered with people that reeked of blood money.
Sergey curled his hand around my waist as we entered the hall, locking our bodies together as if he knew my anxiety was climbing over the roof.