Page 13 of Cruel Bratva King

My krasivaya was beautiful—more beautiful than any woman I’d ever been with. She had a banging body I craved just thinking of, and her name stuck to my head like glue. But that was all there was to it.

I had to admit it, though; I was still pissed that she snuck out of the house before I woke up that morning. But I was intrigued nonetheless. Most of the women I’d dared to take home usually woke up in the morning playing wife and trying to impress.

Contrary to my experience with Lilianna, I usually had to throw them out before they got the message that I wasn’t interested in anything except sticking my cock in their cunts. But with Lilianna, I didn’t need to do that. She took the lead and left before I had the chance to ask her to.

Although, I wasn’t certain I would have wanted to leave. It had been a while since I had wanted to see the same woman twice. In fact, I wasn’t even sure I’d ever wanted to see a woman more than once. Still, I wanted to see Lilianna again. I didn’t mind if it was just one more time, I wanted to see her smile.

“What do you plan to do with the Italians,brat?” Nikolai asked, leaning on the door. “I know you don’t want to bend to Giovanni’s demands.”

For a moment, I’d almost forgotten I was in my office at the nightclub, and my brother was standing in front of me. Out of all my siblings, Nikolai was the smartest, but I sometimes doubted his intelligence. “What should I do with the Italians, play house with them?”

I had the urge to claw out my skin whenever I remembered their existence.

“You still haven’t given Giovanni an answer.” He pulled one of the chairs at the other end of my desk and sat on it. “It’s been two months. I doubt he’ll wait much longer.”

Disgust climbed my throat, blending with the fury burning my chest. Who the hell cared about Giovanni and his patience? I didn’t give a damn if that bastard went to hell and fucked himself.

“He’s waited two months; he can wait two months more,” I answered. I pulled out my drawer, took out a bottle of scotch, and emptied it into the glass on my table. “Two months more. That is all we need to take out those bastards.”

“And if we fail?”

I stared at my brother intently. “We’re Russians,brat. We cannot fail.” I finished my drink in one swallow and slammed the glass on my desk. “Stop being a pussy.”

Something flickered in his eyes—something dark and brutal. Nikolai wasn’t a pussy. In fact, he’d made his first kill at the age of eleven, two years younger than I was when I made mine.

My brother was brutal. Cruel. He could snap a man’s neck in a split second, and he wouldn’t even blink. His only weakness was his excessive need to be logical, which was why I was in this mess, trying to negotiate with Giovanni.

I, on the other hand, was a madman. That was all anyone needed to know about me to realize they needed to fear me. Sadly, the Italians weren’t wise enough to take the clue, and they were going to pay for it with my bullets in their skulls.

“A pussy?” he smirked, grabbed the bottle of scotch, and drank from it. “If you weren’t my brother and boss, I’d have had your throat for that.”

I leaned back in my seat, impressed at how well I’d trained my brother. He was ruthless to the core, enough to try and scare his big brother. “You wouldn’t be able to even if I wasn’t your brother.” I rubbed my jaw. “Because you’d be dead before you even moved an inch.”

A smile touched his lips, but he bit it back. “Why don’t you just marry Giulia?” he asked. “She’ll give you an heir, and there’ll finally be peace between the Italians and Russians.”

“I cannot marry Giulia,” I protest, dreading the very thought of waking up next to her every day for the rest of my life. My skin crawled at the idea of having to put up with her nastiness forever.

But that wasn’t the only reason I couldn’t marry her. My mind was filled with someone else now, and Giulia was nothing to be compared to my newfound obsession.

He scrunched his face, confused. “I’m lost. I really don’t understand why you’re so opposed to marrying her.”

We can’t trust those Italian bastards.” I filled my glass and walked it to the glass wall in my study. “And I don’t like that whore.”

Nikolai narrowed his eyes at me. “Since when did you need to like a woman to be with her?”

Since Lilianna,but I didn’t tell him that. Nikolai didn’t know of her yet; none of my siblings did. They didn’t particularly take an interest in any of the women I slept with. To them, they were just another whore I was never going to see again. But Lilianna was not a whore. She would be mine someday.

Hiding one hand away in the pocket of my suit pants, I held my drink with the other as I looked outside the window. Satellites were glowing in the pitch-black sky. Thousands of lights radiated from a distance, lighting up the city.

The road was jampacked with cars racing home to their loved ones, enemies, or a crime scene. Lilianna could be one of those people on the road right now. She could be inside the club even, dancing with another guy.

My chest caved with fury at the thought of her being with another guy, letting him kiss her, touch her, and fuck her the way I did. I didn’t like to share, and she was going to find that out someday.

“It won’t be easy to deceive Giovanni,” Nikolai said. “For all we know, he could also be planning to take you out. This marriage offer could be a charade to buy himself some time.”

I’d considered that, but Giovanni was a greedy asshole. He would much rather I married his daughter. That way, if she bore me a son, he could attempt to kill me off while he tried to run the Russian mafia in my son’s stead. He had little idea the Russian mafia didn’t work that way. Italians were enemies, and even a half-Italian wouldn’t be accepted on the throne.

“Giovanni is not that smart.”