“You can’t go to work, Lily.” She moved out of the closet so I could get a better view of her. “If he looks for you here and can’t find you, where do you think he’ll try to find you next?”
I sank onto the bed with a sour expression. What the hell had I gotten myself into? It was hard already being alive, and now I had to live like a fugitive because I got involved with the wrong person. I rubbed my stomach.Hang in there, baby. We’ll be fine.I reminded myself this wasn’t just for me; it was also for my baby.
We stuffed my stuff into a second suitcase and struggled to close it. Eva sat on the bag to press it down while I fought with the zipper. Luckily, we were able to zip it up before we heard a bang in the living room. We both jumped back, startled by the noise.
“What was that?” Eva asked, looking at me with bulging eyes.
“I. Don’t. Know.” Fear whiplashed through me. I stood from the ground and loomed to the door of my bedroom. Once I reached the door frame, I peeked outside. Two hefty-looking men in suits roamed the living room. One of them—the one with short hair—walked to the kitchen while the other one with long hair tied to the back just stood there, looking around.
“Lily, who’s that?” Eva whispered to me.
“I don’t know who they are,” I whispered back. My bladder was full, and I was close to peeing myself from the horror. “Call 911.”
As I said, the man in the living room raised his head, and our eyes locked. He signaled the other one and started towards the bedroom. I shrank away from the door frame as rough edges of horror pricked my soul.
My hands flung into action as I shut the door and tried to lock it, but they reached the door before I could. With one kick from one of them, the door flew open, and I cascaded to the floor. Partly from the force of the door flying open and because my legs were wobbly from the fear.
Eva ran to me and held me. “Who the fuck are you people?” she screamed at them.
They ignored her and drew their focus to me. “You’ll have to come with us.”
“She’s not coming with you.” Eva crawled and knelt in front of me. She shielded me with her body. “I won’t allow her. You’ll have to kill me first.”
“She’s coming with us,” the one with long hair said. “And we’ll kill you if that is what it takes.”
The seriousness in his tone was all we needed to know: whoever these men were, they weren’t bluffing. They were going to leave here with me whether I liked it or not. They were going to tie me up if that was the only way they could take me.
“I’ll come with you.” I had no idea where my courage came from, but I guessed it was from the need to save my friend. Eva was going to fight with her life if I allowed her, and I didn’t want that. “But first, you must tell me who sent you here?” At the back of my mind, I knew they could be Sergey’s men, but I couldn’t be too sure.
I didn’t know how their world worked or how fast word traveled there.
“You’ll find out who it is when you meet him.”
An hour later, I was in a familiar mansion, looking into a familiar pool of dark, soulless eyes. My kidnapper was no other person than who I’d expected.
Sergey Vadim.
Chapter 9 - Lilianna
“We meet again,moy tsvetok.”
The sound of his deep voice seeped into my stomach like sour milk. I was going to throw up from how nervous hearing him talk made me. He had a cruel smile on his face that made my heart leap in a way I didn’t like.
I looked up and looked into his eyes. They were dark and remorseless. It was official now, Sergey was the devil, and I…well, I was the mother of his child now. But that didn’t give him the right to kidnap me.
“Is this the part where I say the pleasure is mine?” I tried to act unafraid and unaffected, but the cracking in my voice gave away the tremor in my veins. Looking into Sergey’s eyes was too much, so I directed my gaze to the rest of the house, avoiding the spot where he was standing.
There was only one memory I had of this house, and it was the memory of Sergey fucking me in every corner of it. On the couches, on the black and white checkered floors, on the staircase.
Every part.
I felt a sense of nostalgia being here. It reminded me how much I’d missed him. I’d missed the ravenous way he kissed me, the dirty words he said in my ears as she slammed in and out of me, the way he touched me.
Christ, this wasn’t the time to be thinking of something like this. I shut my eyes tight in an attempt to bury the unwanted memories that kept flashing in my head. Sergey was no longer the same man I met. He wasn’t the man I had spent a week longing for and daydreaming of.
He was a fucking psychopath kidnapper, who I needed to get away from. I needed to get a hold of my emotions, but these pregnancy hormones weren’t helping. The more I looked at him, the more I wanted him.
Even in the comfort of his mansion, Sergey wore his usual black suit. I wondered if he was cursed with black suits or something. I couldn’t deny that he looked good in them, though. The monster tucked one of his hands in one of the pockets of his suit pants and held a glass of scotch with the other.