You can’t fuck me, Daddy, but rubbing and tail pulling is very nice.
Laughter echoed in my head as my brain found much more interesting things to worry about than flying or falling.
I definitely had a naughty dragon.
A naughty dragon who could fly because I was looking into the windows of the second floor of the fucking house.
I had to admit that I didn’t plan on relaxing my hold on my sweet dragon, but as we circled the house and the air moved past us faster, I felt delight and something like freedom fill the space in my head where his giggles had been.
He loved this.
I wasn’t sure if it was just the flying in general or because I was there with him, but I could feel how excited he was and that made it harder to be scared.
Because you’re with me, Daddy. Everything is better with you.
Damn it.
I love you, my little dragon, even if this whole reading minds thing is going to drive me insane.
His giggles said he wasn’t worried.
I love you too, Daddy, and I love how many times you say naughty words to yourself.
Because Daddy had a potty mouth…and the giggles came back as Kenzie slowly started lowering us down to the ground.
I love your potty mouth and I love your naughty imagination.
Damn it.
More giggles said he’d heard that too.
When he’d touched down and lowered himself to the ground, I forced my arms to relax as I ignored the way they were shaking slightly. I gave Kenzie’s neck a quick kiss before relaxing into him and hugging my cute dragon.
“If you want dessert and an orgasm later, we’re going to pretend you didn’t see anything naughty in my head.” There were some things I wasn’t sure I was ready to ask.
Yes, Daddy. I’m your good boy.
But he was my wonderful dragon, my sweet little, and my tender boyfriend…and that beat being good any day.
Because it meant I was loved.
Chapter 26
Three Weeks Later
“It’s not too tall. It’s got lots of layers like my relationship with Daddy.” And if Boyd didn’t stop being so unreasonably grumpy, I was going to dump my wonderful cake on his head.
Boyd looked like he was going to say something to make me have to dump it on his head, but Daddy saved the day…and the grumpy dragon.
“Let me help you with that, cutie.” Daddy kissed my head and swept my weapon right out of my hands without even stopping to see what Boyd had done.
Well, he glared at Boyd too.