Page 88 of Magic and Mayhem

“And friendly people like Mr. Kennedy.” I was serious, but Daddy laughed. “He’s just kind of nosy too.”

“He’s more thankind ofnosy, cutie.” Daddy gave me another quick peck. “That man has to know everything that’s going on around town.”

“Maybe gossip is his hoard?” I shrugged as Daddy’s eyes got wide. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone mention what his hoard was. Maybe that’s because it’s weird.”

“That makes a lot of sense.” Daddy straightened, looking confused. “Now I don’t know if I should feel bad about not wanting him to be so nosy or not.”

“Oh, that’s a good question. If it’s his hoard, we can’t keep it from him. That just wouldn’t be nice.” Being a dragon was hard sometimes.

“No.” Daddy shook his head. “We’re not going to assume gossip is his hoard just because he’s a nosy old man.”


“Okay, Daddy.” He had a point. “But we won’t be mean just in case?”

Daddy sighed but nodded and kissed my nose. “Deal.”


“But…” Daddy’s eyes said he wanted to laugh even though he looked very serious. “It’s going to cost you, though.”

Oh, bribes.

Trying not to giggle, I nodded and did my best to look solemn. “I understand and I’m willing to pay the price.”

Please let it involve spankings.

Please let it involve spankings.

“You’re going to have to take me flying.” Daddy waited and then laughed when my eyes went wide. “I’m serious. That’s your consequence.”

“Really?” That was not what I thought he was going to say. “Really?”

Daddy wasn’t scared of my big dragon form, but he’d been very cautious. He hadn’t even touched my head. I knew Boyd had been ridiculous when he’d said Daddy might not come back, but it was okay for Daddy to be very thoughtful when it came to dragon stuff.

“I can’t carry you when I’m little.” He knew that, right? “Just big, Daddy.”

My little form was stronger than he probably realized, but it wasn’t Daddy-sized strong.

Giving me a very serious nod, Daddy straightened and relaxed his hold on me. “I know, cutie. We won’t go high or do it for too long. I don’t want to wear you out and I don’t want to fall. But I’ve been thinking about it and I want to know what it’s like to fly with you.”

Oh, I wished I’d asked Alick more questions about humans before I’d offered.

“You won’t get too scared? Hearts stop beating if people get too scared.” Humans and some dragons…but definitely humans. “I don’t want you to get nervous.”

Daddy laughed. “Cutie, I’m already nervous. But I want to do this with you.”

Giving me a soft kiss, Daddy pulled me tight against him again. “You are my dragon and I’m not scared of anything about you.”

Maybe he was just very cautious.

That would be understandable.

“But you don’t have to do it if you’ve changed your mind.” Daddy cocked his head before leaning in to give me another kiss. “I’ve just been thinking about it.”


“Why?” Yes, more information would be good. “I want to know why so I don’t worry about you worrying.”