Page 78 of Magic and Mayhem

The wait wasn’t long.

His brows pulled together and he gave me a curious frown. “Boyd was kind of worried you might not come back. I told him he was crazy but that didn’t help.”

Boyd was a pain in the ass.

“He doesn’t know me well yet, so he’s just trying to protect you.” Logically that seemed to make the most sense, but Kenzie’s frown didn’t abate. “What else do you think it could be?”

“Well, I asked Alick why Boyd was so worked up and he said it was because Boyd likes the librarian. So that means Boyd is really worried about what the librarian will think, not you, right?” Kenzie curled up against me, resting his head on my shoulder. “Boyd didn’t seem to be in the mood to answer questions, so I thought I’d see what you think.”

That was an easy yes from me.

“I think you’re right.” Kissing Kenzie’s head, I tightened my arms and gave him a hug. “Boyd is probably worried about what the librarian will think and is projecting his worries onto us. He’ll be more relaxed once they get thethere be dragonsconversation out of the way and then I can work on getting to know him more.”

Kenzie giggled, forgetting his stress. “You sounded like a pirate.”

I scoffed. “The best pirate. Come on…dragons? That’s total pirate material.”

More laughter followed as Kenzie pressed his face into my neck. “I have pirates, Daddy.”

Little Kenzie had toy pirates.

“You do? Show me.” Kissing his cheek as he straightened, I could see little Kenzie coming to the surface.

I wasn’t sure if it was because of Boyd’s stress or if the pirate thing was funnier than I’d realized, but it seemed like he’d slipped right into being little.

He’d been halfway to being little after his shifting earlier, though, so it could’ve been any number of things. “Should we play before dinner?”

The plan had been to have dessert and watch a movie afterward, so playing before we ate seemed like a good plan.

“Can we?” Rocking back and forth on his toes, the last of grown-up Kenzie quickly faded. “I was a good boy. I ate. I worked. I said no-no to Grumpy Gus.”

That seemed to be Boyd, so I did my best not to laugh. “You were wonderful today, cutie.”

Smiling widely, Kenzie nodded. “Daddy’s dragon. Daddy’scutedragon.”

Giving him a quick forehead kiss, I nodded. “The cutest dragon with the best hoard. Let’s go play with your toys.”

Part of me wanted to bang my head against the wall for missing out on so many of the obvious clues Kenzie had given me.

Fuck. He’d even said he was a dragon.

He’d talked about his hoard.

Part of me questioned how smart I really was, but in my defense, he’d been little when he’d talked about being a dragon and having a hoard. Most things littles said should not be taken literally. That was just something every Daddy knew.

But Kenzie always had to do things his own way.

“Yay. Hoard time.” Kenzie bounced and then grabbed my hand, dragging me through the house toward the bookshelf that hid the entrance to his hoard.

Secret passages to protect his hoard.

Yep, should’ve realized that was important.

“Good work, Daddy?” As he opened the doorway, he smiled at me and bounced again. “Helper?”

Deciding he was asking about my day, I nodded. “Yes, I was a good helper and didn’t even fuss at all the nosy people who came by today to ask me how I was doing.”

Giggling, Kenzie dragged me over to a box in the corner before plopping us down. “Curious.”