Page 55 of Magic and Mayhem

Oh, this was an intervention I could get behind.

“Half the town isn’t human.” Pointing out that fact just to shut them up for a moment, I sat down in the chair and pulled Kenzie onto my lap. “Ms. Dobbs has spent the last week floating every time she sneezes and my boss blows up coffee machines when he gets frustrated.”

That got more giggles from Alick and Lorne, but Kenzie was smiling and wiggling on my lap like he was one laugh away from being little. “Ms. Dobbs is naughty. I’m a very good boy, Daddy. I have very good control and I’d stay home if I didn’t look human.”

As Boyd groaned again, I nodded and kissed Kenzie’s nose. “I’m glad you would make better choices. She worried the librarian and someone is going to need to explain a few things to him too.”

That made Kenzie giggle and he leaned in to whisper in my ear. “We’ll send Boyd. He thinks the librarian is cute.”

Boyd looked like he was trying to decide if he was going to kill Kenzie or hide under the couch. “Stay on track and stay big.”

Neither of those things would happen, so we all just ignored his ridiculous instructions.

“I think that’s a very good idea, and I agree—you’re a very good boy and I’m a very lucky Daddy.” Giving Kenzie a quick kiss on his cheek, I ignored our audience and focused on the fun part of the conversation. “What should we play later?”

As Kenzie wiggled and planned, Boyd interrupted again. “No, we’re supposed to have a real conversation so I can report back to the council that he knows and isn’t freaking the fuck out.”

Kenzie just giggled. “He said a naughty word, Daddy.”

That didn’t help Boyd’s mood at all, but I was glad Kenzie wasn’t worried.

“He did. Should we make him stand in the corner?” The laughter coming from Alick and Lorne said they were well on their way to being little too and Boyd looked like he was losing his mind. “He’s grumpy too.”

“And he was naughty earlier and said you might be afraid of me.” Kenzie shook his head like that was ridiculous. “He was trying to make me worried, but you’re my Daddy.”

And that seemed to mean I would handle the alien invasion well?

Kenzie logic was so much fun.

“He’s very silly. I already knew my Kenzie was special and I’m not going to be scared of you.” The chances of him probing me were slim to none, and based on his random comments about food, I wasn’t going to end up on the menu for a variety of reasons.

Everything else I might worry about seemed easier to brush aside.

“I’m very special, Daddy.” Kenzie aimed his adorably manipulative smile at me and even kissed my cheek. “I’m your special dragon and I have the best hoard and you’re going to stay with me always and always.”

“That’s right.” Kissing his nose again, I loved the way he giggled and I might’ve enjoyed the sound effects coming from the rest of his fascinating friends. “You’re very special to me and I know you’re going to keep me.”

That got the cutest laugh from Kenzie as he nodded and snuggled against me. “I made you cupcakes, Daddy.”

For some reason that got another dramatic sound from Boyd. “Stop that. He thinks you’re just being cute and little.”


Kenzie was cute and damned near little, so I wasn’t sure what I’d missed.

Scrunching his face up, Kenzie didn’t seem to appreciate Boyd’s comments. “I’m very cute and not little yet. I’m Daddy’s big boy because I want a spanking and a blow job after we eat cupcakes.”

This just kept getting more and more fascinating.

And the two gigglers loved it too because they were damned near sliding off the couch they were laughing so much.

“That’s oversharing and stop manipulating everyone.” Boyd threw up his hands as Kenzie kissed my cheek. “Stop that and make him understand you’re not playing pretend.”

I had no idea what was going on but Kenzie was having fun, so I focused on that part. “If I let you keep messing with Boyd, do I get two cupcakes?”

“Don’t encourage him.” Boyd finally stood up and started pacing across the living room. As he turned and made his way back, he glared at both of us. “I knew you were going to make me do it.”

Lorne decided it was his turn to add to the chaos because he shook his head and in between giggles tried to sound reasonable. “No, I was going to do it. It’s my turn.”