Page 34 of Magic and Mayhem

Yep, he’d been getting whammied.

“We’re going to see if we can fix this, but for the time being, hand it over. I’ll take it back later.” When he pouted and put his hand behind his back, I crossed my arms over my chest and Daddied him like Kenzie had said to. “You do not get to keep sparklies that you didn’t pay for the first time. Hand it over and no more going in that store by yourself.”

Dropping my voice as he sighed and the other two gawked, I stayed focused on Lorne. “Is that clear?”

“He really is a Daddy.”

Ignoring the comment from the human side of the peanut gallery, I kept my gaze on Lorne.

“Kenzie tattled on me.” Lorne wasn’t specific about what he was blaming Kenzie for, so I just stayed stoic until he handed over the very sparkly watch that was so gaudy he would’ve been the only person in a hundred miles to want it.

Yep. He’s been zapped by something.

Fucking alien tech.

“Good boy.” Setting the watch on the table by the door, I stayed focused on Lorne. “You can’t go in there by yourself until we get this figured out. It’s not safe and it’s just not reasonable anymore. I’m going to have a talk with the owner and we’ll get this figured out.”

At the very least, the alien that ran the local dollar store was going to have to stop fucking with Lorne. She was either going to accidentally hurt someone else with whatever ray she was hitting him with or he was going to end up brain damaged.

Fucking with him that much was not healthy no matter what his brain looked like.

“Thank you, Sir.” Lorne wasn’t quite so pouty any longer. “I’ve got too many and I can’t make it stop.”

“I will. It’s gotten out of hand.” Like nearly everything else that went pear-shaped when dealing with the local aliens.

“You should just apologize to her.” The broad-chested guy I’d seen at the plant nursery who seemed human frowned at Lorne. “Then she’d stop.”

Turning to me, he was somewhat helpful and at least explained what was going on. “Lorne told her that the Walmart has better deals. So he really needs to apologize.”


“She’s fucking with him just because he said the quiet part out loud. She’s overcharging on weird stuff and either needs to find new suppliers or talk to someone who can help her look at her prices. Everyone knows that.” Whatever the fuck she was obviously had not included a class in cost analysis when setting up a new business.

“At the very least, someone needs to sign her up for online classes. She’s being stubborn and has to stop fucking with Lorne. Kenzie is starting to worry, and eventually Lorne’s going to end up with a police record.” Everyone seemed to be doing their best to keep that from happening but there was only so much we could do with a vengeful alien who was set on getting him arrested.

Turning to the quiet man who wasn’t human, I glared at him. “You should’ve stopped this earlier or had someone on whatever the council that runs this fucking town is step in. It can’t be healthy for Lorne’s brain.”

Quiet Guy glared back. “I’m not his Dom.”

That answered a few questions.

“You’re obviously the Dom in the group, so that means it’s your responsibility to rein in stupid. He needed help and you dropped the ball because you didn’t want to step over the friendship line and be a Dom. Well, that’s not helpful. Hell, even Kenzie was very clear that he wanted me to step in and help Lorne and Dom him into realizing that keeping the watches was no longer an option.”

I was starting to see why and I completely approved.

“Now.” Turning back to Lorne, I eased back on the asshole tone slightly. “I will go talk to the owner and return the watch. Do not go in there for even a candy bar without having someone with you. You will have much more fun picking out pretties that you actually like and not just wasting money on random watches. Is that clear?”

Kenzie’s friends were exhausting.

“Yes, Sir.” Lorne’s pout was manageable, so I ignored it.

Turning to the other two nuts, I glared at the Dom and just frowned at the human. “This isn’t a reasonable time.”

What the fuck had they been thinking?

“I was up late on my date with Kenzie, so I’m going to make this short and sweet.” And hopefully hit the highlights enough that they’d get some of their questions answered. “I’m his Daddy.”

What else did they need to know to go away?