Page 27 of Magic and Mayhem

Secret was an apt description because as he took me over to the bookcase and pulled on part of the molding, the whole thing moved. Carpenters. Yes, I should’ve thought about his family putting in something like a hidden room.

“You have a secret room for your hoard, little dragon. That’s amazing, cutie.” Wondering ifPete’s Dragonwas the first movie he’d seen when he came to Earth or if he’d been raised locally and it was just a favorite movie, I walked through the door into a wonderful playroom that was packed with toys.

The walls were very white just like he’d said, but that was a stark contrast to the riot of color from toys of every generation and style. There was some organization to the chaos, with two walls covered in wooden shelves painted white as well, but I couldn’t see a system to it.

There were just toys everywhere, with the other two big focuses in the room being a beanbag chair and a large rug. He was right. It was more of a hoard than a playroom.

“You have so many toys. They’re wonderful.” Squeezing his hand, I leaned over and kissed the side of his head. “You’ve got cars and dolls, and look at the men. I had soldiers like that when I was a kid.”

Kenzie was back to bouncing he was so excited and he looked like an adorable dragon ready to jump up and take flight. “I’ve got pretty toys and old toys and new toys and ‘pensive toys and fun ones.”

Pulling me deeper into the room, he led me over to a large rug with city streets decorating it and turned us both in a circle so he could show me all his toys. “Big hoard, Daddy.”

I would have to agree.

“The best hoard, cutie.”

The best hoard just needed some organization so he could play with it or at least admire it more easily.

But that was definitely what a Daddy was for, so I wasn’t worried.

Chapter 8


“And I have a red one and a blue one and a black one and, oh, I found the green one, Daddy.” It liked to drive off and hide. “See?”

Daddy was very excited and even kissed my head as I found it under my beanbag chair. “You have the best cars, cutie.”

And I had a dollhouse and G.I. Joe men and I had Ponies and I had animals.

“Do you want to see my Ponies? I have Applejack and Pinkie Pie and Rarity and lots more, Daddy.” When Daddy nodded, I pulled him over to the pony bucket. “They’re pretty colors.”

“They are.” Daddy sat down and crisscrossed his legs so I could sit in his lap. “Show me which are your favorites.”

“Oh, that’s hard.” But I tried big and showed him all my favorites, lining them up on the floor. “And maybe this one?”

Daddy laughed. “That’s almost all of them.”

I shrugged. “They’re nice and pretty.”

“They are.” Daddy gave me a squishy hug and looked around the room. “Alright, are we going to look at more of your hoard, little dragon, or are we going to have dessert now?”

Oh, and the movie.

“That’s big hard.” Scrunching up my face as I looked at my toys, I thought lots. “Brownies, Daddy. We can play more later?”

“Yes.” Daddy kissed my cheek and gave me one last big hug. “I loved seeing all your toys.”

“Notallyet, Daddy.” I had a big hoard. “All later.”

There were always more toys.

Daddy laughed. “Somehow, I think you’re telling me the truth.”

Daddy was smart.

“Brownie time.” I giggled when Daddy looked very suspicious. I’d show him my more toys later. “AndPete’s Dragonand cuddles.”