Page 75 of Magic and Mayhem

“Daddy said my little form was very cuddlable and he smiled when he touched me.” That was very good progress. “He said my wings were really big in my larger form and he said I was beautiful. He wasn’t too scared. He even kept drinking his coffee.”

For some reason, Boyd looked very confused, but I didn’t let that distract me. “He’s a thinker and he likes worrying. He’s not going to rush into dragon stuff. I already kind of rushed to keep him, so I have to be patient somewhere.”

I couldn’t get everything I wanted fast, even if I was a very cute little.

“Oh, and he left clothes here too.” I even had his tablet with me so that meant he had to come back. “He picked out dinner and he made sure I had a lunch to warm up in the microwave, and he even knew everyone in town was already going to be talking about us.”

I looked over at Lorne, who just grinned. “Should I even ask who was the tattletale?”

He lifted his hand and snickered. “Me.”

That didn’t surprise anyone, but it made Boyd sigh and stop pacing. “Fine. I’ll stop overthinking the situation.”

That was not an accurate description of his panic, so I slowly walked over to Alick and leaned against him. “Why is Boyd nuts?”

Alick managed to explain it once he stopped giggling. “He’s got to talk to the librarian.”


“He seems very nice and he likes dirty books too, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I’m sure he’ll like your penis.” For some reason, that didn’t help.

Alick and Lorne were both laughing and could hardly catch their breath, but Boyd was just groaning, so he didn’t have that problem and had to talk. “That doesn’t have anything to do with the situation. I’m not sure how he’ll take thewe’re dragonsthing.”


“Daddy said he already knows everyone is weird. He probably thinks we’re aliens or something. I wouldn’t worry.” It wasn’t like the guy thought everyone was normal. “He saw Ms. Dobbs floating. He’s not a moron.”

The librarian was very intelligent and someone had said he had something like a dozen college degrees. Anyone that smart couldn’t think we were all human.

If that’d been the goal, they should’ve hired someone dumber.

“What did the deputy say about the librarian?” Boyd finally slowed down and went over to sit on the bench by the wall.

I thought that was progress, so I did my best to remember everything Daddy had said.

“Okay, Daddy said that the man was very nice and he thinks he’s a sub but he’s not sure what kind. He didn’t think it was right to ask. Daddy is very polite and didn’t want to use his deputy powers for evil.” That wouldn’t be nice at all because some subs had very good manners even around strange Doms and Daddy hadn’t wanted to Dom him without permission.

“Um, Daddy said he talked about Ms. Dobbs and the librarian was more worried about her hitting her head on the ceiling of the library than he was about the floating part. It’s not padded and Ms. Dobbs is really stubborn.” What else? “Oh, and everyone mentioned the VFW Hall to him too but no one said why. Daddy said he was very confused, so we’ve got to work on our marketing.”

“But he didn’t say he was a sub?” Boyd’s question was one I thought I’d already answered.

Maybe I hadn’t?

“Daddy said he didn’t know but the librarian hadn’t seemed confused once Daddy explained about it.” But maybe he hadn’t wanted to show that he didn’t know what was going on? Maybe he didn’t know what a sub was?

It was obvious that a visit was definitely in order and couldn’t be put off any longer.

“He waved hello to me when he was driving home yesterday.” Lorne’s helpful response had Boyd nodding and looking less nuts. “He didn’t look scared or worried, and he didn’t hide from me. That has to be good.”

“See, he’s not scared even if he knows we’re weird.” That meant he was open-minded and friendly. “He’s going to take it just fine. You just have to make sure he knows that not all dragons are big and growly. Some of us are happy and cute.”

Boyd was not happy and cute, but that was okay. We needed all types of dragons to make the world go round.

“Now that we have that out of the way, I have a scarier question.” Lorne looked very serious as he glanced over at me. “Have you told your parents that you have a Daddy and he saw your dragon?”


That was not nice.