Page 74 of Magic and Mayhem

“Yes, Daddy.” Lying to Daddy would be naughty, so I tried to look cute instead. “But I’m going to appreciate you and hug you and say thank you once I’m full because I like it when you take care of me even if it means I can’t get pancakes.”

Daddy’s lips pressed together but his eyes were laughing. “You are the best manipulator I’ve ever met.”


“I’m smart, Daddy.” I kissed his cheek again. “And I’m cute.”

Laughing, Daddy nodded. “You are very cute and very smart…and if you want to watch a movie later or play toys with Daddy or get a spanking, it’s time for breakfast and to start our day.”

“Because you have to work.” Being little sounded like much more fun and I couldn’t help pouting. “You’ve got to save the day and keep people safe.”

“I do.” Daddy kissed my forehead. “It’s frustrating but someone has to keep people like Lorne from being whammied and make sure mages don’t float away because they’re too stubborn to stay home.”

He was right.

“You do a good job of keeping us safe, Daddy.” But that didn’t mean I had to get up quickly, so I cuddled against him one more time and rested my head on his shoulder. “What did you think of my big dragon, Daddy?”

He made a soft thinking sound and kissed the side of my head as he hugged me again. “That you werereally big, but I saw my Kenzie’s eyes and your happy wiggles and how proud you were of how beautiful you are and I wasn’t scared.”

“I’m glad, Daddy.” He was right…I was very beautiful. “I’m blue. Like you wanted to paint my toy room.”

Daddy laughed. “That’s why you found it so funny.”

Giggling, I nodded. “You knew how special blue was from the very beginning. See, I knew you were mine.”

“Yes, I’m yours.” Daddy ran his hand down my back before giving my ass a smack. “And that means I have to feed you so you can have enough energy to change for me later. Tonight, I’m going to pet my big dragon and check out those big wings.”

I had the bravest Daddy ever.

“Then I’ll say thank you very nicely for my pets and get a spanking?”

Bribes couldn’t hurt, though.

He liked thank yous and spanking me, so they’d help him be even braver.

I was a very smart dragon.


They were ridiculous.

“He made me breakfast and kissed me when he left.” He’d even put dinner in the crockpot again. “Daddy was not scared or overwhelmed or anything.”

Of course he wasn’t leaving me.

“But he didn’t touch your full size.” Boyd was frowning and had started pacing across the workshop again, but I wasn’t sure why he was so anxious. “He said you were big. What if that means he thought you were too big? What if your claws are too big and you scared him?”

Holding out my hands, I spread my fingers wide and looked between them and my feet. “I’m just right. I’m not too big or too small anywhere.”

I was very proportional.

Alick was nearly giggling, so he knew why Boyd was nuts but didn’t seem to feel like sharing. “Some men like big claws.”

“My penis isn’t too big either, so I’m not worried.” Even if Daddy did think it was okay for me to top him. “Daddy thinks that’s very nice too.”

Groaning, Boyd scrubbed his hands over his face and went back to pacing. “I didn’t need to know that.”

He was the one who’d brought up size issues, so I wasn’t sure what he was complaining about.