Getting him standing took enough time that I knew he was one deep breath away from going right to sleep where he stood.
“But, Daddy, I’m not tired.” Bouncing between little and big and just being pouty, Kenzie did his best to fight a yawn and lost the battle. “I’m…I…”
Wrestling it under control, he huffed and stomped his foot. “Shoot.”
“Bedtime.” Giving him one last cheek kiss, I resisted the urge to walk him upstairs and help him get clean.
First date.
First date.
I’d only met him a few hours ago.
“Shower and then jammies and then you’re going to climb into bed.” Kissing his cheek because I just couldn’t resisit, I got us a few steps closer to the stairs. “Then if you would like, you can text me good night.”
“Will…I mean…” Yawning again, he leaned his head on my shoulder and let out a breath. “Will you stay next time, Daddy?”
“Yes.” Giving him a hug, I was glad he understood why I wasn’t going to do that now. “If you would like to go out with me again, I would love to stay over and take care of you. But for now I want you to have time to think and make sure this is what you want.”
He gave a slightly wobbly shrug and sighed, none of which made any sense to me. “But you’re…I put you…my hoard and keep you…good human…Daddy…”
Yep, we weren’t going to have the whole not-human discussion when he was this tired.
I wasn’t sure if it made me a good Dom, a bad Daddy, or a wuss of a boyfriend, but I gave him another kiss and pointed him toward the stairs. “Take off your clothes, clean your penis, and go to bed.”
Everything about the way he’d orgasmed said he had a somewhat human-looking penis under his clothes, but he was going to be wide awake when I asked about that too.
“Yes, Daddy.” He straightened and blinked, finally thinking about something. “Do I have your number, Daddy?”
Very good question.
“I’ll put it in your phone for you.” Bingo. “I see it. One second. I’ll go get it.”
Picking it up from where it’d somehow landed on the floor by the coffee table, I brought it back to Kenzie after quickly adding myself to his contact list. “All set.”
“Daddy. Yes.” Taking his phone, he smiled but whatever he’d been going to say next was cut off by another yawn. “Shoot.”
“Be a good boy and I’ll come get you tomorrow afternoon.” I wasn’t sure he remembered but he actually nodded.
“Yes, groceries and food and hot meal and…and something…you’ll remember something…” Kenzie kept nodding to himself as he headed up the stairs, thankfully looking steadier on his feet the longer he walked. “Daddy will…and I’m going to…good dragon…”
The half-formed words made me smile as I watched him head up the stairs. When he was out of sight, I let myself out of the house, locking the door behind me as best I could.
With anyone else, I would’ve worried, but the only breaking and entering I’d investigated since I’d gotten to the crazy town had turned out to be a stubborn and very resourceful raccoon with very little regard for his own personal safety and a passion for potato chips.
Even with pulling over halfway home to respond to Kenzie’s shortnight, Daddytext, I wasn’t quite as tired as my cutie as I pulled up in front of my house, but exhaustion quickly started to hit. Between work and meeting Kenzie for the first time, it’d been a long-ass day and I crashed almost as fast as my boy had.
It would’ve been a wonderful night’s sleep if my doorbell hadn’t rung just before seven in the morning.
Seven in the fucking morning.
They were lucky I was wearing sleep pants since I didn’t care what they saw as I marched to the door, ready to take on the world or whichever fucking neighbors had decided it was a good idea to show up before I’d gotten coffee, much less gotten out of bed.
“What?” The three guys standing at the door had to be Kenzie’s friends, but aside from Lorne, I was just guessing at the friends part. So I focused on the little thief since I knew him better. “Have you stolen something else?”
I knew that wasn’t what they were there for, but I wasn’t surprised when he nodded, not looking embarrassed in the slightest. “Yes, and I don’t know how.”