Page 45 of Cruel Crypts


Believe me, I know the feeling. If you want to talk, I’m here x


Thanks. That means a lot x

If only I could speak to her about what was going on, but I couldn’t risk it.

Swinging my bag over my shoulder the second the final bell sounded, I made for the door, aware of Knox’s voice in the background telling his friends he’d catch up with them.

I reached the door. Almost free.

A hand wrapped around my wrist, forcing me to a stop, and then an arm came around my waist, hauling me out of the common room and around the corner to an empty corridor.

I was pressed back against the stone wall, and when I raised my head, Knox was there, still looking at me again with that dark, heavy stare.

We were frozen in place, his body holding me against the wall, his face so close to mine we were almost sharing the same breath.

He exhaled, and then he brought his mouth down on mine.

Heat flared, fire racing through me as I opened my mouth to him, letting him take what he wanted from me, his tongue sliding against mine, his hand curving around the back of my head to hold me in place, his fingers tangling in my hair.

This was so much more than just a kiss. It left me breathless, my head spinning, unable to process how the person who professed to hate me could kiss me with such fucking passion.

“You…you said you’d never kiss me again,” I gasped out against his lips.

He kissed me again.

And again.

When he finally released me and took a step back, both of us were breathing hard. He slid his tongue across his lower lip, his dark eyes scanning over every inch of my face.

“Maybe we’re both liars,” he said.



My phone blinked at me.

1 new message.

When I thumbed open the screen, though, it wasn’t the message I was waiting for. Instead, it was from Erin, one of the girls at school and a wannabe goddess, asking if I was free to meet up.

How about fucking never? I ignored her message, scrolling back to the conversation thread with Nitro, staring at it as if it would make a reply magically appear. I’d sent him the information Elena had told me to see if he could find any evidence to corroborate her story, because as much as I wanted to believe it, I didn’t. I still didn’t trust her, but I wanted to. Too fucking much, and I wasn’t prepared to examine the reasons why.

It was bad enough that I’d kissed her again.

I made my way into the kitchen to grab a late-night glass of water and stopped dead at the sight of the girl currently occupying my thoughts, her back to me, wiping down the already spotless countertops.

“What are you doing?”

Elena startled visibly before spinning around to face me, her hand over her heart. “You scared me.”

I almost cracked a smile, but I didn’t. Instead, I moved closer and closer until I was right in front of her. Her breath hitched, her lips parting and her eyes going wide, and I fucking loved it.

“What are you doing?” I asked again, gripping her chin and tilting her head up.