Declan shook his head at me. “No. You did what most people aren’t able to do. Yousavedher. You gave her a second chance at life.” He closed the space between us, both of his hands cupping my cheeks as he leaned his face down to mine. “When will you realize how amazing you are?”
Even though I couldn’t hear his words, I could still feel them. The weight and the warmth of them as they slithered up my spine. His question wasn’t a real question, but it was permanently imprinted in my mind. He thought I was amazing, and he looked at me like I created the entire universe with my two hands.
“Are you busy this evening?”
I raised a curious eyebrow at him and shook my head.
Declan smiled. “What time do you get done with work?”
“Probably around five or six.”
“Perfect.” His eyes were burning holes through mine. “Save some time for me afterward, princess.”
“What did you have in mind?”
A chuckle vibrated in Declan’s chest and I could feel it in my own. He shook his head. “It’s a surprise.”
“You and your surprises,”I mouthed after sighing dramatically.
“You love it,” he said just before his lips met mine. They were deliberately slow as he took his time kissing me. His tongue was like silk against mine, dancing, tasting, teasing. He breathed me in and I wholly surrendered myself to him.
His surprises weren’t the only thing I loved…
“What are we doing at the marina?”Giana asked me with her hands as a wave of confusion passed through her expression. We were still in my car and I had just turned off the engine when she abruptly turned to me in question.
I told her nothing about the evening I had planned before coming here. I wanted to surprise her. I loved the excitement and the way her face lit up when the realization dawned on her. What I loved even more was when I was able to surprise her without her knowing it was coming. Like stopping by to see her when she wasn’t expecting me.
A twinge of sadness tickled the synapses in my brain. I wouldn’t be able to do things like this after I went back to the other side of the country. I wouldn’t be able to stop by and see her whenever I wanted. I would be fucking thousands of miles away from her.
I pushed the thoughts away from my mind. I couldn’t entertain them now.
I drew my attention back to Giana and those ocean blue eyes of hers. “I guess you’ll just have to come with me to find out.”
Her lips parted as if she was going to say something, but instead she clamped them shut. She reached for the door, getting out before I had the chance to help her. A frustrated sigh escaped me and I quickly climbed out of the Jeep. Giana met me around the back of it. I pulled open the door to the trunk and Giana peered in.
Inside, there was a thermal bag that kept food warm. A paisley fabric design kept the contents inside hidden, not even giving away the fact that there was food inside. I did have another bag that had a few things in it. Giana tried to look in it, but I quickly grabbed it and moved it out of her sight. Closing the trunk, I held on to both of the bags and shook my head at Giana as she offered to take one of them.
“I don’t trust you not to look,” I told her with a smile.
“You’re not going to tell me anything, are you?”
I shook my head at her. “I’ve never been one to ruin a surprise.”
Giana drew in a deep breath before letting out an exasperated, wholly defeated sigh. I held my free hand out to her and she didn’t hesitate. She slid her palm against mine, our fingers lacing together. Giana fell into step beside me as I led her down the dock. We reached a boat near the end and stopped by it.
Gabriel came up the steps from underneath the deck. His face lit up as he saw the two of us. “Hey, Dec. You’re right on time.” He looked over at Giana with a smile. “You must be Giana. I’m Gabriel. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
She smiled at him.“It’s nice to meet you too,”she mouthed and signed for me to translate, but I didn’t bother. Her brow furrowed as she looked between the two of us and settled her gaze on mine.“Is he taking us out on his boat?”
Gabriel shook his head. “No. I’m afraid I can’t join the two of you tonight. But Declan here is a pretty good driver, so I think you’ll be in good hands out there with him.”
Giana looked directly at me with her eyes wide, but I simply winked at her as I stepped onto the boat. Setting down the two bags, I held my hand out to her and helped her on board. Gabriel went over a few things with me, but he knew I was more than capable. Growing up on the ocean had its perks that included learning how to operate and drive a boat at a young age.
Gabriel waited until the engine was running and everything looked good before he hopped off onto the dock. He looked between Giana and me. “The two of you have a good night now,” he spoke out loud while simultaneously signing the words. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Dec. Just bring the keys along with you then.”