Page 68 of Best Year Ever

“It’s something about the lingering effects of lightning strikes on elevated heart rates,” I say.

“And how will you be taking measurements?” he asks, his mouth very close to mine. I can feel his breath on my lips. I want to feel more of that, thank you very much.

I slide my other hand to his chest, just rest it there over his heart. “My hands are very sensitive instruments,” I tell him.

His free hand goes to the back of my head and slides down my hair. He doesn’t get tangled up in there, it just sweeps down to my neck and to my back, resting his fingers just above the pillow I’m leaning against. He never takes his eyes from mine.

“You have my permission to experiment with my heart rate,” he says. “For science.”

I have never in my life cared about science the way I do right now.

It’s not difficult to lean in a bit more, and somehow there’s still space between us. My hand rests on his chest, but I’m not paying attention to his heartbeat like I promised to. I’m much more interested in falling into the deep pools of his eyes. In breathing the air that mingles between our mouths. In the wave of warm shivers rolling across my skin.

“Sage,” he says. I’m not sure if it’s a question, but I know the answer.


He presses his hand against my back, bringing me even nearer. His cheek rubs against mine and I feel the scruff of stubble.

Part of me is enjoying this pre-kiss moment, prolonging the excitement and the anticipation. Another, possibly bigger part of me is ready to press my foot to the gas pedal and kiss him already.

I let those two parts fight it out for a few more seconds before I slide my hand from Grayson’s chest up his throat, along his jawbone, and over the back of his neck into that space between his sweater and his hair. My fingers could live here in this space. I didn’t realize you could feel someone pulse here, but I can. And it’s active, let me tell you.

I tilt my face into optimal position for his lips to find mine, and this is it. The last moment before the Moment. After this, I’ll be the version of Sage who has kissed Grayson Mercer. The thought makes me smile, and I close the rest of the distance.

Or I almost do. A horrible buzzing kills the moment, and Grayson practically jumps off the couch.

“What is that?” I ask, my breath coming in short gasps. I’m not ready to analyze the breathing just yet.

“I’m on call,” he says, moving to the door and stepping into his shoes. The noise comes again. Is it even louder?

“So?” I ask. I know he’s on call, but what’s with the buzzer?

“Someone’s ringing the bell at the clinic.”

Aghast, I say, “That’s the sound it makes when someone needs you? I hate to think what your phone’s text alert sounds like.”

He grins at me. “Not like that, I promise.”

His face grows more serious, and from across the room I can feel the lack of his arms around me, his hands on me. “I’m so sorry about the timing. You’re welcome to stay here, but I have to go.” He points toward the clinic below us.

“I’ll let myself out,” I say. “Go save the sick and stuff.”

Another buzz, and his hand is on the doorknob, ready to open the door. But his eyes are still on me, and I know he wants to stay.

In less time than it takes for me to push the hair off my forehead, he’s crossed back to the couch, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my cheek. “There is no way I can concentrate on a sick kid right now.” His whisper is warm against my ear.

“But that’s your job, so here you go?” I ask.

He nods. “Here I go.”

His hands come to my arms again, and I could get used to standing like this, one step apart, being held together by the pressure of his touch.

He drops his hands with a look of total regret, but he doesn’t make it to the door again. He pulls me close and I can feel his lungs fill with air and then release. I like standing close enough to feel him breathing.

One arm unfolds from my back, and without looking away from my eyes, he puts his finger to my bottom lip. I don’t think about it. I don’t plan it, but I close my eyes and kiss his finger.

I can hear his exhale. “You’re not making it easy to leave,” he says.