Page 42 of Best Year Ever

‘Your smit is deep. You’re smitten, deeply. You are in deep smit.’

I laugh, because she’s funny and because she’s right. Totally right.

‘So it’s just the money thing, I guess.’

‘You make decent money,’Lana reminds me, as if she’s managing my finances.

‘Thank you kindly.’

I am definitely getting generous compensation for my work here. Chamberlain treats me well, and there’s the added bonus of not ever having to work in an ER. But there are years of med school loans to repay, and yeah, I’ll be working a while before I feel like I havemoney-money. And I’ll never get to anything rivaling Sage’s family’s worth.

Do I care about that? Not much. But does she?

‘I wish I could sweep her off her feet, you know?’

‘Do you mean, like, on a date?’

‘She’s traveled everywhere. How do I impress her after that?’

‘She’s probably not expecting you to arrange a private jet to some exotic destination.’

‘See, it’s theprobablythat freaks me out.’

‘Want my advice?’

If we were on the phone, she’d go on, but now she gives me a chance to actually answer her question.

‘Yes, please. I love your advice. I live for your advice.’

‘Focus on the things you like about her. If her best feature is her dad’s money, then yes. Keep the focus there. But otherwise, let it go. Think about her smile. That amazing hair. Her eyes—are they blue? Do you know how rare it is to have red hair and blue eyes?’

I laugh, remembering how Sage told me she’s statistically impressive. Also, Lana is still looking at photos of Sage on the internet.

‘You may be surprised and even delighted to learn that I actually like many nonphysical things about this woman.’

‘Your good qualities never surprise me.’

This is as great a compliment as anyone is likely to get.

‘Thanks, Lana. Sleep well.’

I plug in my phone and decide to call it an early night.

My dreams are filled with images of red curls and blue eyes and electricity of all kinds.



You know when it’s winter and you walk around the house in your socks and every time you touch a person or a door knob or a light switch you get a shock? So you touch wood first?

I think have touched every wooden surface in my apartment tonight. And as I lie here in bed trying to fall asleep, I imagine (in terrifying detail) what will happen if I’m still full of electricity and I accidentally put my hand to my bedside lamp. Or the metal edges of the bedframe. I keep grounding myself on the nightstand. Just a tap. And another one.

Yes. I’m aware that’s weird, verging on bizarre. In my (clearly flawed) theory, the more often I tap the wooden table, the less chance I have of shocking myself when I make contact with metal. Or vinyl. Or glass. But theory’s not serving me tonight. My nerves are winding up, and I can’t stop my brain from imagining all kinds of secondary non-superhero effects of being way too close to a lightning strike. I want to look up the actual effects, but I’m nervous to hold my phone or open my laptop in case I somehow supercharge them and they explode. Or something.

Also, I know better than to search the internet for possible damage I’ve sustained. Dr. Google issonot good for me.

But I definitely can’t sleep.