Page 91 of The Savage King




“Do not kill her, Iswear to God.” Ana holds her hand out as if it will stop my fucking bullet.

“Give me one good reason,” I growl, glaring at Javier’s sister.

“You are wasting time, for one. And killing her will do nothing. I might kill her myself,” Ana says, giving her sister-in-law a dark look.

I curse and lower my gun, rubbing the back of my head as I pace the room.

“Get me some ice,” I growl, and Ana races to the fridge.

“You. Sit. And don’t fucking move.” I point the gun at the traitor again. She snarls at me and starts rabbiting on in Spanish as she sits beside Ana’s aunt. I know what she’s saying, but I have nothing to say to her.

Except mayberest in peace. Then again, I’m not sure she deserves that.

They took Isabelle.

Worse, I failed her. Just as I did, Chloe. Self-loathing flows through me like a dark cloud.

I promised her. Fuck. If I hadn’t been trying to be fucking superman and save everyone, I would be halfway to the border right now.

Instead, I risked her life and spent the night moping because I couldn’t shove my dick in her.

That is not entirely true. I was more upset she lied to me.

Led me on.

No, she didn’t. She was kidnapped and held by the cartel, and you put your fingers inside her.

Ana hands me the ice wrapped in a towel, and I mutter athanks.

“They knew you.” She sits at the kitchen table, looking shaken. Part of me feels for her. Ana’s had her world turned upside down since I showed up last night.

Except this is the life she chose. A drug trafficker. We all have a choice. And there are consequences for all of them.

“Of course they did. I was one of Pablo’s senior team,” I say, then realize what I just gave away.

“Was?” she asked. “Because you left to save Isabelle?”

“Something like that,” I reply, shooting the walking dead woman a dark glare. I’m certainly not saying shit while she’s listening in the background. Not that it matters. Once I leave here, I will never see her again.