Page 86 of The Savage King

Both are big guys—not as big as me, but not scrawny either. More importantly, they’re armed, pointing their guns at Javier’s wife and sister. He’d be pissed as fuck to know his sister drew cartel members into his home.

So they can shoot her as far as I’m concerned.

“Take her,” Scarface says, nodding at Isabelle, and my body comes off the chair before I can think.


A gun whacks me on the back of the head once, twice, three times. As darkness closes in on me, I see Isabelle’s terrified face and know I’ve failed her.




Ihave a bad feelingabout this. Decker is back in Mexico, and after his phone call yesterday, something has been nagging at me.

The guy has his hands full with Isabelle. I’m guessing the glamor of the mafia world has now well and truly gotten out of her system. She was like a kid at fucking Disneyland, staring at all the men during the week of Connor and Mia’s wedding.

We had bigger things to worry about at the time, but perhaps I should have kept more of an eye on her.

Nathan feels like shit for handing her over to Decker, but we were all thinking on our feet when Gabriel, or rather Carlos, and his men began shooting.

It was chaos.

If Decker had known we had Carlos, he might have broken rank and taken Isabelle to safety.

None of us know what happened, nor do we blame him.

But he needs help.

That’s the thing about both Nathan and Decker. They’ve been undercover for too long and have been going it alone. They aren’t used to asking for help.

Even with their Marine training. I’ve seen them change over the years.

I’m no shrink, but I guess it’s because they’re in fight mode, constantly pretending to be someone else.