Page 127 of The Savage King




“Izzy!” Sienna criedas she ran across Mia and Connor's living room towards me. I leap off the sofa and we smash into each other like two characters in a movie.

“Sen,” I mutter into her hair as we hug.

Mia climbs off the sofa carefully and shoots Connor a look which clearly saysdon’t you dareas she walks over to us. She’s still recovering from the shooting, and I’ve watched him fuss and boss her around all week.

It’s funny how I no longer see their relationship as this type of unicorn. His behavior is not dissimilar to the way Decker was with me.

But I’m not thinking about him.


No more Decker.

I’mnotthinking about him. I’m not dreaming of him. I’m not wishing he was here. Nor do I care what he is doing.

Mmm, mmm.

Not at all.

Mia wraps her arms around us and all three of our foreheads touch. It’s not something we’ve done before, nor do I know what’s happening except that a sisterhood of love connects us. I realize we have been through something so unique it will forever bond us.

“I’m so sorry you guys,” Mia says thickly.

“Don’t,” Sienna says.

“Mia, you couldn’t have known.” I add.

Next minute, she’s in the air, and Connor has her in his arms, placing her back on the sofa. Sienna shoots me a grin, then Nathan walks up behind her and kisses her neck.


Not thinking about Decker.

I rub my chest as my heart physically aches from not having me near. It’s so weird that I can feel it inside my body like that. But I do.

It’s been a week since I returned home from Mexico, and I still can’t find my feet. My parents were driving me out of my mind, so yesterday I went back to my apartment. Connor admitted that he has security watching me and I was so grateful I burst into tears and wrapped my arms around him.

He froze while Mia and Mack laughed.

Mack has been watching me and I know he’s waiting for me to ask about Decker. But I won’t.

I can’t.