Ilean my ass againstthe pool table and take the beer Mack hands me, crossing my ankles.
“The entire family wiped out.” I shake my head as we all stare at the wall with the Mancini family tree.
“Except Mia,” Connor says. “And the entire mob.”
I let out a whistle.
“That we know of,” Mack says, sitting his ass on the arm of the sofa.
“You pissed that you didn’t get to put the bullet in Carlo’s head?” I ask Connor. He’d told me about how they’d turned up at Sienna’s place and the horror show that took place.
“Yes, and no. Nathan had the right after what they did to her.” Connor answers and leans back in his oversized black executive chair. There’s only one desk in this space, and he’s the only one who sits at it.
Mack just shook his head. “Fuck man, walking into that place and seeing Sienna tied up and shit. I’m surprised Nate didn’t gut him.”
“Another day in the office of a gangster,” I say, taking a long drag on my beer. “I’m glad to be out. It was a long six years.”
I’ve been back in the States for three days now, reflecting on my time undercover. I’m not proud of many of the things I had to do during my time with the Mexican cartel, but I was able to help a lot of people, stop a lot of drugs and basically be a fucking menace to their business.
Not enough to eliminate it, but sadly, that was never the job.
Do I feel like I’ve helped enough to avenge Chloe?
I realize now that will never happen. Putting Isabelle’s life at risk is the greatest regret of my life. More than even Chloe. I can’t explain that, only to say that I love that woman so fucking much I’ve been having trouble making any decisions on how to move forward.
“What do you think?” Connor asks.
“Huh?” I ask, snapped back out of my thoughts.
“You think Pablo will make a move on, Isabelle?” he asks.
Connor dropped a big deposit his way with a message sayingbought and paid for. Come near her, and you will start a war you will not win.
It was risky. All four of us discussed it at length.
You don’t pay kidnappers, but then again, you don’t go to war with the cartel.
This way he got his money, but he’ll still be pissed off.