Page 106 of The Savage King

“I’ve got Isabelle. Thank you for your help.”

“Oh, God. Is she okay?” Ana cries.

Honestly, I’m surprised she cares, but the two obviously bonded while we stayed there. Isabelle can hear the call even though it’s up against my ear. I can tell by the look in her eyes.

However she’s traumatized, so they just drop down.

“She will be,” I answer, realizing my hand has drifted along her body and my thumb is rubbing her hip. “The money is in the room we slept in. Move the mattress, lift the floorboard with the red mark.”

There’s silence.

Then, a minute later, Ana says, “Gracias.”

“Ring Javier. Tell him the rest will be delivered when I hear from him. No sooner.”

“I will make sure he does,” she says. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet. He’s not out of danger until he’s home.”

“Ana helped you find me?” Isabelle asks when I pocket the phone away. I nod and place my hand on her cheek.

“Yes. And I might just give them all the fucking money.”

My heart expands about a million times more when her hand covers mine. She’s worth every singlepeso.


“Remember Nathan?” Mackasks, nodding to the driver.

“Hey,” Nathan smirks at me. He’s the man from the wedding. The gangster Sienna fancied, aka was sleeping with.

“I thought you worked for the Mancini’s?” I ask, then glance at Decker. “So you really are Marines?”

“Yeah, babe,” he says to me, and the softness in his voice does things to my insides. I don’t want him to let go of me and, so far, he hasn’t.

There’s something profound in his eyes that I haven’t seen before, and panic rolls through me.