“I’m here, honey,” Mia replies. “I’m worried about her, too. Come and stay with us so you aren’t alone.”
Connor rubs his forehead. Life was much easier before these women came into our lives, but all of us would kill for them. And want to kill them at times.
“Okay,” Sienna says back.
“We leave in two hours,” I say now the girls are appeased.
It’s time to bring Decker home. I’m going to need all their help with what I’m about to tell them.
I’ve been waiting six long years.
Now it’s my turn.
First, we need all the Dark Kings back in NYC.
Ithink I’m going tothrow up. In reflection, I had it lucky with Decker. As insane as that sounds. He never had any intention of hurting me.
And perhaps I even knew that our instant attraction for one another would deepen.
No, that’s impossible.
But it’s happened.
And now, irrelevant, because I’m going to die.
Terror is pouring from me as I press myself as small as I can into the back seat while the men smoke, scowl, and play with their guns.
Fortunately, they aren’t pointed at me anymore, but that really isn’t here nor there because we are driving away from Decker, and I have no idea where they are taking me.
I don’t understand a word they’re saying because they speak Spanish, and the radio is too loud.