“Ican walk,” Isabellesays as I reach into the car to pick her up.
“No chance, darlin’,” I reply, scooping her up. I go straight up the stairs of the jet and don’t relax until I’m completely inside.
Little does she know we are still in danger. Until this bird is in the air, the cartel could arrive anytime. Hence why Mack is standing at the bottom of the stairs while Nate unloads our bags at speed.
I place her in a seat and strap her in. “Stay there.”
She nods.
Her compliance is a result of the abuse she’s endured, and it makes me curse as I run back down the stairs. I grab the rest of the bags and pause for a moment, then push the button on the stereo, grabbing the Taylor Swift CD.
Mack glances down at the car while I race back up the stairs, following Nate. “Do I need to move it?”
He turns to ask the pilot and we all spin around at the same time when we hear the sound.
“MOVE IT!” Mack screams, shoving me inside.
The pilot leaps into the cockpit, and because the engines are already warmed up, the jet is moving before I reach Isabelle.
“What’s happening?” she cries, gripping the arms of the seat as I sway and grab hold of a piece of furniture to stay upright. I toss the bags I have into a cupboard, and between Nate and I, we have them all secured in seconds.
“Tighten your seatbelt,” I yell at her, taking a seat across the other side of the plane to watch the approaching cars.
They are cartel—no doubt about it.
“How many?” Mack asks.
“Three,” Nate answers.
Fuck. They’re shooting.
“Oh my God,” Isabelle bawls, but I cannot move to her. I don’t dare look at her as more bullets ping against the metal as we pick up speed.
“Connor is going to be so pissed,” Mack says.
“Go, man,” Nate calls to the pilot as we speed down the runway.
My eyes drop, and I see a Jeep trying to catch up with us. A rifle is pointed at our windows. Then, just like that, they’re eating our dust as the jet lifts off the tarmac.
Isabelle sobs in great gasps, and when the G forces let up, I’m out of the seat and across the aisle, pulling her into my arms.
“It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s okay. We did it. You’re safe. You’re fucking safe.” My entire body relaxes and honestly, I feel like releasing a few tears myself.
We’re heading home.
Thank fucking god.
I’m still hoping to get the call from Javier, though it’s clear as day to me right now that nothing matters except Isabelle.
I have no idea how the hell this happened.