With a deep breath, I run through the smoke, carrying her down the stairs, flames whipping on every side. The door I entered from is now blocked by flames. I need another way. I turn, into the dining hall, looking for another exit.

Damn it, I mutter under my breath as I race through the burning house, Isabella held protectively in my arms.

"Stefano," Isabella whispers weakly, her voice barely audible over the roar of the flames. "It hurts."

Thank god she's regaining consciousness.

"I know, sweetheart," I respond, trying to keep my voice steady despite the panic threatening to engulf me. "Just hold on, we're almost there."

As we make our way through the inferno, I'm acutely aware of the danger surrounding us. Walls crack and groan, threatening to collapse at any moment. The floor beneath us feels unsteady, as if the entire building could crumble beneath our feet.

"Stefano," she gasps again, her grip on me tightening.

"Don't worry," I tell her, forcing confidence into my voice. "I will protect you."

Suddenly, I spot a narrow passage that seems less consumed by the flames. It's a risk, but it's the best chance we have. With every ounce of strength I possess, I kick down a partially burned door, revealing a dark, smoke-filled corridor.

"Hang on," I urge Isabella as we enter the hallway.

The fire has yet to fully consume this part of the home, giving us a brief respite from the heat. But I know it won't last long.

"I can't," she whimpers, her body trembling in my arms. "It hurts too much."

"Isabella", I say, my voice firm but gentle. "You must."

With all the energy I can muster, I begin to run, until I find the exit. As we emerge from the smoke-filled corridor, the cool night air is a welcome relief. Isabella's body still trembles in my arms, but I can see the fire reflecting in her green eyes.

"We're getting out," I tell her, trying to reassure her as we navigate through the last remnants of hazardous fire.

Finally, we reach the edge of the compound, the fire giving way to the relative safety of the open night. With one last surge of energy, I carry Isabella over the threshold and onto the cold, wet grass beyond.

"We made it," I whisper breathlessly, gently lowering her onto the ground.

The exhaustion threatens to overwhelm me, but I fight against it, knowing that our ordeal is far from over.

"Stefano", she murmurs, reaching up to touch my face. Her hand is warm and trembling, yet there's a fierce determination in her eyes. "Grazie." Thank you.

"Always," I reply, my heart swelling with pride for this incredible woman.

Despite what she's been through, she's staying true to herself. Showing gratitude where she believes it must be shown.

How do I tell her that I don't deserve it?

There are so many things I must tell her. But I can't. Not if I lose her. I need to get help. Knowing that the infirmary will be busy with the mafioso, who will always have priority here, I rush her to my one-bedroom cottage, in the corner of the compound.

She needs urgent medical care, and I’ll do it myself if I have to.

Chapter 25


Stefanoscoopsmeintohis strong arms, cradling me against his chest as he carries me along the winding dirt path.

“Where are you taking me?” I whisper, gazing up at his stoic face.

“To my home,” he says softly. “You need rest and care.”

I don’t protest, too weakened by pain and blood loss to argue. My head lolls against his shoulder, inhaling his woodsy scent.