I rush out of my bedroom, taking the stairs two at a time, barely registering the cold marble under my bare feet. Thoughts of Isabella - her long, wavy hair, those piercing green eyes, and that defiant spirit - consume me.

How did it come to this? She wanted to run away? Without even saying goodbye?

In this moment, I realize why I'm so damn petrified. Had she succeeded, would I ever have seen her again?

This thought reveals more from my heart than intended, and I pause for a brief second, catching a breath.

What I just felt was fear, of losing her. Of never seeing her again.

How did I fall this hard, this fast? What the hell is going on between us? This is too much thinking. The only way to stop is to act, to walk, to carry on like this thought was just an illusion. And so, I cast it aside and walk toward the interrogation room.

The door is open when I reach. As I enter the room, the sight before me sends a chill down my spine. The Capo stands over Isabella, gripping her face in his hands with a venomous expression.

Her hands and legs are chained to a metal chair, but despite her confinement, she remains defiant and unbroken.

"Why are you keeping me prisoner?" Isabella demands, her voice quivering with barely contained rage.

She locks eyes with the Capo, refusing to be intimidated by him.

"Isabella, we're trying to keep you safe," the Capo replies, his tone cold and unyielding.

He tightens his grip on her face, but she doesn't flinch.

"Safe from what?" she spits back at him. "You're the ones who've locked me up!"

My heart clenches as I watch the scene unfold. I hate seeing Isabella this way – vulnerable yet fierce, a beautiful storm brewing within her. A storm that could very well destroy her – us – if it's not tamed.

"What's going on here?" I ask, stepping forward to intervene.

I can't stand idly by while Isabella is treated like this. Though I can't defy the Capo directly, I can try to distract him just enough.

"Stefano, glad you could join us," the Capo says dryly, releasing his hold on Isabella's face.

She turns to me, her green eyes filled with fury and betrayal. She must think I'm just the same like the Capo's other men, and I hate that she might be right.

"Capo, please. The chains?" I ask, addressing the Capo. "She doesn't deserve this."

"Ah, Stefano," the Capo chuckles darkly, "always the soft-hearted one. But don't forget: in our world, there's no room for sentimentality. We do what we must to survive and to ensure that others survive."

I swallow the lump in my throat, knowing I can't say more.

"Isabella," I say softly, stepping closer to her. "I'm sorry you felt the need to escape in the middle of the night. I'll do whatever I can to help make your stay here more comfortable."

"Save your apologies," she hisses, her eyes blazing with anger. "You're just like the rest of them. Fine. You want to kidnap me? Kidnap me. Just send me to my room, please."

The Capo turns his wrath back to Isabella, gripping on Isabella's face again. His fingers tighten as he speaks, his voice cold and unyielding.

"We haven't kidnapped you, foolish girl. We've offered you protection. You know what happens if you run and get killed? Everyone knows that Luca Conti can't keep his people safe. What happens then? People stop paying me for protection. If people stop paying me, my business runs dry."

Suddenly, I'm beginning to understand the Capo's intentions. It's not really Isabella he wants captive, it's his reputation he doesn't want destroyed. I usually believe in black and white, but this time around, I can't stand for or against any.

They're both right, in their own way.

"And just so you know, Ms. Torres," he continues. "We're installing a grill outside your window, to prevent any future escape attempts. You'd best get used to the idea of staying here."

I clench my fists at my sides, feeling anger flare up within me at the sight of Isabella's mistreatment. She doesn't deserve this, I think, but I know better than to voice my dissent out loud. Instead, I focus on keeping my expression neutral – giving nothing away.

"Is that really necessary?" Isabella asks, her voice dripping with disdain. "Are you all so paranoid about losing control that you have to go to such lengths?"