Stefano pulls out my chair, and I sit, heart pounding. He takes the seat beside me, and I'm torn between relief and disappointment that he's staying. At least I'm not alone, but if things go south, what can he do against the Capo?

The Capo swirls his wine, studying me. "I have heard some disturbing reports about you, Isabella."

I frown, confused. "Reports? What are you talking about?"

"That you did, in fact, smuggle the drugs across the border and proclaimed you were innocent when you were not. Cocaine, to be precise." His gaze sharpens. "Is this true?"

"What? No!" I burst out. How dare he accuse me of such a thing. "I have never smuggled drugs in my life."

Stefano looks between the Capo and me. Earlier, the man seemed to trust me. Now, he looks as confused as I feel.

The Capo's lip curls. "Do not lie to me. I have eyes and ears everywhere. If you wish to remain under my protection, you will not deceive me."

I glare at him, outraged. "I'm not lying. I don't know who's spreading these malicious rumors, trying to set me up, but I have done nothing illegal."

"We shall see." The Capo sets down his glass and steeples his fingers. "I have decided to give you a chance to prove your loyalty. You will undertake a job for me to make amends for your...indiscretions."

My mouth drops open. "What job? What indiscretions? I haven't done anything!"

I look to Stefano for support, but his face remains impassive. No help there.

The Capo's eyes gleam. "All in good time, Isabella. For now, let's enjoy the meal. We have much to discuss."

Dread pools in my stomach. I've been ensnared in this man's web, and escape will not come easily. But I'll be damned if I become a pawn in his sick games. But it's clear that with this stroke of ingenuity, posing my release from a crime I didn't commit as a favor for one he claims I did, he just struck his first win by making me owe him a favor.

The battle has begun.

The rest of the meal passes in tense silence. I push the food around my plate, appetite gone. The Capo watches me with hawk-like eyes, as if waiting to pounce on any sign of weakness.

When the dishes are cleared, he leans back in his seat, steepling his fingers once more. "Now, about this favor you owe me." His tone brokers no argument. "I have recently acquired a...problematic business associate. He has proven difficult to persuade through conventional means. I believe a woman's touch may yield better results."

My stomach churns. "What exactly are you asking?"

"Seduction is a powerful tool. I want you to gain this man's trust and extract the information I need."

"No." The word slips out before I can stop it.

Seduction and manipulation are not in my skill set. I have no desire to become a honey trap for the mafia.

The Capo's eyes narrow. "You seem to have forgotten your place. You owe me your life, and you will repay that debt however I see fit."

"I won't do it." I glare at him, uncowed. "You can threaten me all you like, but I will not become your whore."

"You have to earn your keep, Isabella."

Rage burns through my shock. What does he mean by I have to earn my keep? I lunge across the table, swiping at his wine glass. The Capo jerks back with a shout, crimson liquid spilling down the front of his shirt.

Footsteps pound behind me. Stefano's arm locks around my waist, wrenching me off the Capo and pinning me against his chest. I scream and struggle, kicking out at the Capo as he rises from his seat, face mottled with anger.

"Let me go, you bastard!" I shriek at Stefano. He holds me fast, breath warm against my ear.

"Calmati," he murmurs. Calm down.

The Capo straightens his shirt, eyes blazing. "You foolish girl," he snarls. "You've made a grave mistake."

He stalks over to us, raising a hand to strike me across the face.

Stefano shifts to shield me, blocking the blow. "Capo, please," he says quietly. "Violence will not solve this."