Page 11 of Broken Crown

While I’d hoped to get a good night’s sleep, considering I spent most of Friday night making up for lost time with Esme, it’s proving to be impossible with the way my mind keeps replaying my conversation with Hayes.So instead of fighting it, I slip out of bed and pull on a t-shirt and shorts before padding down the stairs and into the kitchen, powering on the one-cup brewer.Once it finishes, I grab the steaming mug and head into the living room, lowering myself onto the sofa and flicking on the TV to catch up on the news.

Not surprising, today’s big story is still Callie Sloane’s remains being uncovered in the trunk of her car at Sufford Lake.

Or, more accurately, Hayes Barlow’s involvement in her death.

No one seemed to care about her when she disappeared, but now that Hayes has been blamed for her murder, people are coming out in droves with a story about his obsession with her.That he was notorious for having a temper, especially during races.That he took a particular interest in Callie from the second she joined the team.That he completely lost it whenever a guy would look at Callie the wrong way, even going so far as to fire them from his crew.

Then again, I can’t help but wonder if all these people are just upset that Hayes fired them because they were sexually harassing the only woman on the team.Part of me thinks it might be the latter.

“You’re up early.”

I snap my eyes away from the screen as Rory strolls toward me in a tank top, hoodie, and a pair of wine-glass-patterned pajama bottoms AJ got for her this past Christmas.

“I couldn’t sleep.”I offer her a small smile.“What are you doing up?”

“Couldn’t sleep, either.”She sits beside me on the couch.As her eyes land on the screen, her expression falls.

“Sorry.”I reach for the remote, about to turn it off, but she darts out her hand and clutches my wrist, stopping me.

“It’s okay.”She releases me, pulling her sweatshirt closer to her petite frame.“It’s better than seeing all the footage of the car fire being played on a loop, like they’ve been doing.After all, the public loves a juicy murder.”She runs her hands along her pajama pants.“I learned that when Adam died.”

I take a sip of my coffee, recalling those days all too well.I’m surprised I didn’t end up in jail for assaulting a reporter.Then again, I was pretty numb from everything.After a few weeks, those vultures moved on to the next hot story.

Just like they will with Callie.

She’ll be forgotten by most.

Except by those who will feel her absence every day for the rest of their lives.

“Do you think he did it, though?”

“Excuse me?”I jerk my head toward her.

“Hayes.Do you think he did it?”

I blink, taken aback by her question.

I may have spent all day questioning his involvement, but that’s because he broke into this house, into Adam’s office, and begged me to believe he had nothing to do with it.To help clear his name.

“What makes you say that?”

She pinches her lips together and shakes her head, her eyes focused on the screen as file photos of Hayes Barlow from his racing days appear before cutting to a famous clip of him kicking cans over in the pit after losing a race he was favored to win.

“They keep playing that one clip over and over,” she remarks.“All day, whenever I turn on the news, I either see that, the fire, or him lashing out at a reporter for asking about his mum’s terminal cancer after she’d just been diagnosed.I don’t know.”She heaves out another long sigh, then lifts her eyes to mine.“With Adam, there were heaps of evidence connecting him to the crime.It seems like the only piece of evidence tying Hayes to Callie’s death is the fact that he had a temper.

“Don’t get me wrong,” she adds quickly.“I’m not trying to claim he’s some sort of honorable man.I just hate all this trial by media going on in the world.When did we become so dumb as a society that we’ll just blindly believe someone could commit horrible crimes, all because they were known to lose their temper?We all have bad days.We all get upset.Is that enough reason to condemn someone?”

I shouldn’t be surprised by Rory’s statement.She’s always been incredibly sympathetic, regardless of any alleged crimes someone may have committed.That’s just who she is.

It’s one of the reasons Adam fell in love with her all those years ago.

“I’m sure there’s more going on behind the scenes we don’t know,” I assure her.“I have to trust the police wouldn’t make these kinds of accusations without the sufficient standard of proof.Her carwasfound a short distance away from where Hayes had a lake house.”

Rory tilts her head, her gaze sweeping over my face.Did she hear how forced and robotic my response sounded?I sure as hell did.

“I guess you’re right.”She pinches the bridge of her nose, heaving out a long sigh.“I’m sorry.I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately.”She pushes to her feet.

“You have nothing to apologize for.”I stand and run my hands down her arms.“When I heard about it, I questioned things, too.I think it’s a normal response, considering Hayes’ connection to our lives.”