Page 69 of Illicit Obsession

I sank into a chair beside Teagan and leaned my head on her shoulder.

“Are you hanging in there?” Teagan asked as she slipped her arm around me.

I nervously picked at a hangnail on my finger. “No. Not even close.”

“Me either, but I’m not in love with Jagger. I can’t imagine how awful it is for you. I’m glad you were able to catch a ride with Anderson.”

I glanced in Anderson’s direction, who was chatting with some of his teammates. “I’m not even sure the doctor will tell us anything.”

“Babe. You’re his sister. You can see him and talk to the doctor until his parents arrive.”

I straightened, hope blooming inside my chest. “Shit. I hadn’t even thought of that.”

“Just leave the step part off.” Teagan tilted her head.

Seconds later, a man in green scrubs strolled in. His light-brown hair was threaded with grey streaks, and dark circles shaded his deep brown eyes.

“I’m looking for the family of Jagger Whitlock.”

Every nerve ending inside me stood on high alert as I waited for the news that would shatter my heart or stitch it back together.

Coach stepped forward. “I’m his football coach. His parents are on the way, but it will be a few hours. Are you able to at least tell us if he survived through surgery.”

“I’m Dr. Hewitt. He did pull through surgery.”

The entire waiting room cheered and hugged.

“But there’s more, and I can’t disclose it to anyone outside of the family.”

An anxious fluttery feeling descended on me and my palms turned clammy. I wiped them on my jeaned thigh.

Teagan nudged me, and I shot out of my chair.

Forcing down the fear that clawed up my throat, I blurted. “I’m his sister.”

Every football player and cheerleader stared at me with their mouths hanging open.

“Your name?”

I gulped. “Ariana.”

The doctor motioned for me to join him. Whispers and sideways glances from the others stirred to life. I looked at Teagan.

“Go. I’ll deal with the gossip.” She squeezed my hand.

“We’ve got this. Between the four of us, we’ll shut the rumors down fast,” Gabby added.

Everlee and Leighton nodded in agreement.

“Thanks. Love you guys.”

I hurried to the doctor, not missing the frown of confusion that marred Coach’s features.

Pausing, I turned and approached Coach. I pushed up on my tiptoes and whispered, “I’m his stepsister, but the doctor doesn’t need to know.”

Understanding coasted over Coach’s face. “Keep me posted, please.” He patted my back, then I maneuvered through the crowd and joined the doctor in the hall.

“It seems that a lot of people care about Jagger,” Dr. Hewitt said, glancing over his shoulder before he led me to the elevator.