Page 65 of Illicit Obsession

“Good thing Jagger and I never hooked up,” Leighton said, slapping her palms on the furniture. “Talk about awkward.”

The group laughed, and I was grateful Leighton broke up the tension.

“I’m sorry we took you by surprise. I love you all so much, and I’ll admit I was scared shitless to tell you that Jagger is my stepbrother. Some people will have a problem with it.”

“Fuck them,” Gabby said. “It’s not like you’re blood related. I think it’s sweet that you two knew you were right for each other even as youngins.”

“Exactly,” Teagan finally said. “It’s no one’s business. I do have a question though.”

“Yeah?” I braced myself for her harsh words.

“Jagger, do you have a twin?”

Laughter filled the house, and I leaned against him. “If he did, I’d claim both of them. Can you imagine how much fun that would be?”

“I don’t share,” Jagger growled.

Once we settled down, Everlee looked at Teagan. “How long have you known her real name?”

Teagan’s gaze flitted from Everlee to me. “A few weeks.”

I mentally willed her not to bring up Peter again. To my relief, she didn’t share that secret.

“I have to get to class, but are we all okay?” I shifted my weight from one leg to the other, still anxious about telling them about Jagger. Once they had time to think about what we’d said, I feared they might change their minds about accepting us.

“Nope. I’m good,” Everlee said. “I’m glad you’re getting laid.” She snickered.

“I’m happy for both of you,” Gabby said. “I couldn’t care less if you’re stepsiblings.”

“Same,” Leighton responded.

I looked at my best friend and waited for her to say something. “I won’t lie, the parental units have me questioning everything they told me.”

“I get that. As far as you two together, it’s cool. I’m glad you found each other again. It was clear that Ari wasn’t going to move on from you, Jagger,” Teagan said.

Jagger slid his arm around my waist. “I was having the same problem.” He kissed the side of my head.

“I gotta go. I’ll see you all after football practice.”

“Jagger, will you be here tonight?” Everlee asked. “If so, we can order some pizza, but we’ll need extra.”

“If it’s cool with Ari, I’ll be here.”

“Awesome. Maybe we can chat about making an intro to some of your friends.” Everlee wiggled her brows at him.

“I’ll take that too, please,” Gabby and Leighton chimed in.

My gaze drifted to Teagan, who remained unusually quiet about introductions to some more of the football players.Hmm. I’m not the only one keeping secrets.



Islept better than I had since I’d lost Ari. Sharing a bed with her had provided a sense of peace I’d been chasing for years. Hopefully, it would help my performance on the field, too.

Ari’s beautiful smile swirled through my mind’s eye as I slipped my shoulder pads on in the locker room.

“You ready to kick some ass?” Quinn asked while he suited up.