Page 20 of Illicit Obsession

“I’ve had it.” Teagan slipped her arm through mine as we walked toward the gym’s locker room after her P.E. class and my weightlifting class.

“Oh?” I flashed her an innocent look just in case she was pissed at me.

“Today, I was going to text you at least a million times, then I remembered that your phone was broken. We’re getting you a new one.Now.”

I cringed. “Bossy much?” I scrunched my nose at her. “I have to study. Tonight won’t work.”

Teagan’s gaze narrowed on me. “Listen, I completely understand taking a break, but Theo messaged me this morning worried sick about you. I told him you were fine, but your cell was broken and we were getting a new one after classes were over.”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Exasperated, Teagan rolled her eyes at me. “Bitch, please. This is the first time I’ve seen you today, and you have no fucking phone for me to call or text. You see my dilemma, right?”

An unexpected snort escaped me. “Now that you put it that way, I do.”

My heart fluttered in my chest when I thought about the texts that caused me to throw my cell in the first place. I didn’t want another one. I couldn’t change my number or my friends and Dad would ask me a million questions. Other than not owning a phone, I had no other way to stop that monster.He will show up in person if you don’t reply soon.

I attempted to shrug off my inner voice, but a cloud of unease rolled in the pit of my stomach. Stupidly, I thought he would give up if I lived across the country. I was sadly mistaken.

Teagan snapped her fingers in front of my face as we paused near the locker room entrance. “Babe? Where’d ya go?”

“Sorry. I was spacing out.”

Teagan pushed on the door and released me. “Let’s leave your car here. We’ll get you a new phone then grab dinner. I’ll bring you back.”


Teagan held up her hand, halting me midsentence. “Nope. We’re getting it done. Be ready in twenty.” Teagan spun around and hurried to go change.

I walked in the opposite direction until I reached my PE locker. There was no getting around it. I couldn’t get away with not having a phone.

“You win again, motherfucker,” I muttered under my breath as I turned the dial to the combination then grabbed what I needed for a quick shower. The coach had worked us hard in weightlifting class, and I was sweaty as hell. Too bad my past wasn’t as easy to wash down the damn drain.

* * *

“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Teagan popped a french fry into her mouth, grinning at me as if she’d won the lottery. “Don’t forget to add me to your Find My Phone feature. Not that I would expect to find you anywhere other than home and the library, but you never know.” Teagan winked at me. “One of these days I’ll talk you into attending a football game. Lots of tight ends to see.”

“You’ll have to bribe me, Teagan.” I smirked before I added her to my new iPhone. “To answer your question, no, it wasn’t that bad. Dad was my first message.” I took a sip of my soda, chewing on the end of the straw for a second.

“I’m sure he appreciated that.”

“He got onto me for not getting a replacement right away and scaring him. I’m sure Samantha got an earful when he couldn’t reach me.” I bit into my burger, staring at my food.

“Why are you so sad lately? You weren’t like this at the academy. What changed?” Teagan leaned back in her seat, eyeing me.

“I’m good. It’s an adjustment moving to the west side of the country.” I flashed her a smile.

“You need to get laid. I know you were on the regular at the academy. My girl just needs a tune-up.” She winked at me. “There’s a party this weekend, remember?”

I pursed my lips into a thin line.

“You forgot about the party? Your mind is like a steel trap, and you don’t ever forget shit.” She leaned across the table and placed her hand on my forehead. “Hm. I thought for sure you had a fever.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Teagan, Whitmore classes are a lot harder than at the university I attended my freshman year. Did you know that moving is one of the top five stressors?”

“No, but it makes sense.” She folded her arms. “So that’s all this is? You’re adjusting and stressed about starting a new college even though you’re with your best friends again?”

“You know I love you all, and it’s the reason I came. Dad was not having it but I told him I had a scholarship and a job to pay my bills. He had no say in my decision.”