Page 8 of Illicit Obsession

“Dude, you’re here too?” I chuckled as I slapped him on the back.

“We’re all here. I mean, our small group of players we hang with. Kane, Sterling, you guys . . . There’s no way in hell I would have shown up blindly if I hadn’t seen your and Q’s names on the list already.”

“You and me both.” I adjusted my robe, ready to start the action. “But if we accepted our invite to the society before we saw other names, then who was the first motherfucker who joined blind?”

Quinn’s chuckle filled the room. “That motherfucker would be me.” A mischievous expression flashed across his face.

“That doesn’t surprise me. I don’t think you actually look before you jump. One of these days, you’re going to plunge right off a fucking cliff.” I punched him on the shoulder. “Lucky for you, your team will scrape your remains off the rocks at the bottom.”

Q rolled his eyes. “Thanks, asshole.”

The door opened, and a tall figure dressed in a cloak and skull mask entered. Every guy in the room turned to see who the leader of the society was, but unless he removed the face covering and voice disguiser, we wouldn’t find out that night.

“Gentleman, welcome. I’m happy to see everyone accepted the invite and passed initiation.” He crossed his hands in front of him.

“As each of you know from the invitation, this is much more than a society. It’s a brotherhood. We will fight for each other, watch each other’s backs, and anything else that’s called for.”

I was about to test this motherfucker. “What about murder for each other?”

Tension clouded the air as he walked over to me.

“Even murder.”

In my gut, I knew he was serious. I tipped my chin and stared him in the eyes. “Good. Sounds like my kind of brotherhood, and I’m in the right place. I’ve seen and done some shit but apparently, so has everyone else.” After the initiation, we all had dirt on each other that could ruin our futures.

I could have sworn he grinned before he responded, but there was no way to tell beneath the mask. “You definitely are, Jagger Whitlock. Your reputation as a crazy fucker proceeds you on and off the football field. You were my first pick for the society.”

I rubbed my chin, trying to track his mannerisms, but I was scrambling to identify him. My friends and some of my teammates were standing in the same room, so it wasn’t one of them. Plus, there were plenty of other football players that weren’t invited. When I watched the video, the Black Widow said twelve invitations were sent out. He would make thirteen.

He stepped back, exuding power and calm.

“There are thirteen rooms in this building, and each is created for any fucking fantasy you might have.”

“Any?” Sterling piped up. “What about kidnap and rape?”

“It’s ready for you, including the girls that want to play in return. They understand that they bow and serve us, no one else. If we snap our fingers, these bitches suck our cocks before asking how high to jump.”

I folded my arms across my chest. “Our own groupies so to speak?”

He chuckled. “Call it whatever you want. If we’re here fucking instead of picking up random chicks at a party that might cry rape the next day, then your asses stay out of trouble. Stupidity won’t screw up our chances of going pro. Rest assured that the girls you use are well taken care of. They receive perks of belonging to the society just like each of you do. And of course, what happens here, behind these walls, stays here. If anyone gives the society or members away . . . there will be severe consequences.”

Q pointed at me. “Jag will bring the shovel.”

The guys chuckled. If they only knew how dark and twisted I really was, they would’ve thought twice before laughing.

“There are three honorary members who will prepare the girls for you. If the ladies should be tied up, chained, spread eagle and naked, then indicate that when you book a time and room. Toys and condoms are available in the cabinets along with anything else that you might need.”

“Nice,” Anderson said. “The last damn thing we need is a kid before we go pro.”

“No kidding,” Sterling muttered.

“Shall we begin?”

“Yeah, so you realize a black widow is a female, right?” I asked and smirked. “So, you’re a chick?”

He crossed the room with lightning speed and wrapped his fingers around my throat. “If you want to remain here, you won’t challenge me. Each of you will pick a deadly insect or animal. It will be your identity at the society. Am I clear?” He released me and stepped back.

My face flamed red. I wasn’t embarrassed to have been called onto the carpet, but I was fucking pissed someone had the audacity to put his hands on me. I would deal with this issue when no one else was around.