“What?” I put my hands on my hips, glowering at him. “Do you want me to sleep in some guy’s come stain?” That did it.
Cole stepped around the boxes on the floor, his eyes dangerously flashing as he backed me against the wall and placed his palms on each side of my shoulders. He dipped his head, his minty breath fanning across my cheek before he whispered against my hair. “The only come you’re going to be anywhere near is mine … in your sweet little pussy, your tight ass, and down your throat.”
I whimpered, my nipples pressing against my T-shirt. I hadn’t bothered wearing a bra since we were packing and getting sweaty.
His knuckles trailed down my face, my neck, then to my breasts. I gasped as he pinched my taut bud. “I bet you’re already wet for me, aren’t you?” He nipped at my lower lip, then wrapped his fingers around my throat as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.
A loud knock had me smoothing my hair and making a mad dash for the chair across the room. Although Cole and I slept next to each other every night, due to the doctor’s orders, we hadn’t had sex. He’d kept me coming for him, though. I snickered, then busied myself with folding another shirt before Cole opened the door.
“Hey, Mom.” Cole let her in.
Hopefully, she didn’t notice the hard-on pressing against his jeans.
“How’s it going? I can’t believe you two leave tomorrow.” Julia pressed her hand against her mouth. “I’m going to miss you both.”
Cole wrapped her in a big hug. “We have guestrooms, or you can stay at a hotel, but you can visit any time you want.” He kissed her on the forehead.
“I know, but you both will be in another state. It’s not like I can zip across town to bring over dinner.”
“It’s only a five-hour drive. Plus, you really love Oregon. It will be a good change of scenery,” Cole assured her.
“I do love how green everything is. Well, and hopefully you both will be here for the holidays.” Julia glanced at me.
She didn’t have to say any more. I realized Samuel wanted to patch things up and try to salvage our relationship. I just wasn’t sure I was ready, and Thanksgiving was only two months away.
Footsteps echoed in the hall, and my gut clenched. The only other person in the house was Samuel. He cleared his throat before he appeared at Cole’s door.
“Sorry to interrupt, but King is trying to reach you, Julia.” Samuel gave her his cell, hope written all over his face.
“King, are you all right?” She stared at her feet, listening.
I hated that every time he called, we held our breath, waiting for the bad news.
“What? Are you a hundred percent sure?” She looked at Samuel, then over to us. “It’s really over?” She laughed, happy tears streaming down her cheeks. “Thank you, I’ll let everyone know.” She turned to Samuel. “Love you too, big brother.” She disconnected the call and returned the phone back to Samuel. “They got Rick. He’s gone. Dead. King confirmed it all. I have no other details, but it’s finally over. No more blackmail and no more death threats.”
My knees nearly buckled beneath me with the news. The sorry fucker that had hurt Cole and hired Ibrahim was finally gone. Relief flooded through me, igniting a spark of hope that we could all move on.
Samuel clapped his hands, grinning as if he’d just won the lottery. In a way, he had. He wouldn’t be exposed for buying his daughter on the black market and lose his company and life.
I hopped out of my seat and hugged Cole.
“We’re finally safe, baby.” Cole rubbed my back as he held me.
Cole embraced his mom, and so did I. I couldn’t imagine how relieved she must feel to finally be rid of the son of a bitch.
Samuel and Cole hugged as well, which left me staring at Samuel after everyone was finished.
“Congratulations, your secret won’t be exposed.” I tucked my hair behind an ear, then I cleared my throat, selecting my words carefully. “You have my word that I’ll keep it as well. You’ve provided for me my entire life, and for the most part it’s been a good one. I just don’t want you to live in fear that I’ll turn you in. If I locate my birth parents, we’ll come up with a story to tell them.”
Relief and gratitude filled Samuel’s face, and the tension visibly melted from his neck and shoulders. “Thank you, Shae.”
“I can’t promise you anything else at this point, but I didn’t want to leave for school without telling you that at least.” I looked at Cole when he placed a palm against my lower back.
“I hope that someday you can forgive me,” Samuel said, his voice low and haunted. “This might not make sense to you right now, but as horrible as my actions were, I never regretted bringing you home. You gave Lori and me years of happiness. I loved your mother with every fiber of my being, but … I hadn’t ever experienced a love so deep and pure … until I held you. Spending the rest of my life in prison would be worth the time I had with you, Shae.”
Julia took his hand, smiling up at him. Even when Samuel mentioned how much he loved my mom, Julia seemed to understand that each person had the ability to hold a special place in their heart, and it wasn’t a competition. And for all I knew, Samuel and she had already discussed Mom, and she’d worked through any jealousy, so it really wasn’t any of my business.
Cole’s words ran through my head as Samuel and I stared at each other, the air thickening around us.When men like Samuel and I love someone, the lines of what is right and wrong blur. We will do things other men wouldn’t ever consider in order to protect the people most important to us.