“Stay put behind the car.” Zayne nodded at us, then opened the driver’s side door and produced a little handheld device.
Cole pulled me into his side and looked at me. “Don’t you ever put your life in danger like that again.” His tone was harsh while he smoothed the hair from my face, his expression grim.
“I had to distract him, Cole. I was banking on Zayne’s training and that he could disarm him if he got closer. It worked.”
“King worked, and your idea was stupid.” Cole grabbed my shoulders and faced me. “Dammit, I could have lost you.” His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. “Promise me, Shae. Promise me you won’t play the hero again.”
My chin trembled as fat tears slipped down my cheeks. “I can’t. I would move heaven and earth not to lose you again.”
Cole pulled me against him and wrapped me in his arms. “I love you, babe. I love your strength and courage, but you scared the shit out of me.”
I dug my fingers into his shirt, thankful that no one had been hurt. “I love you, too.” I sniffled. “Losing you was the hardest thing I’ve lived through, and all I could think of was keeping you alive.”
“Son of a fucking bitch,” Zayne said, reappearing and interrupting our conversation. “I checked the car for a tracker before we left the house, and the Mercedes was clean. I suspect Rick followed us from a distance. Dammit! I had my eyes on the mirrors the entire time. He clearly knows how to hide himself until he’s ready to be seen.” Zayne rubbed his chin, his green-eyed gaze narrowing.
“King has gone after him now, so hopefully the guys will catch him and end this once and for all.” Cole rubbed my back as I swiped the moisture from my cheeks.
“Let’s get you two home.” Zayne opened the door, and Cole and I settled into the back seat.
* * *
Cole refused to let me go all the way to the house, and my nerves were on edge as Zayne parked the Mercedes in front of our garage. If I went inside, I would have to face Samuel. As if reading my mind, Cole climbed out of the car, took my hand, and led me to the back of the mansion. Zayne was hot on our heels and opened the gate for us. Once we were protected behind the fence, I released a huge sigh.
Cole stood near the edge of the pool and tilted his face to the sun. “School starts in a few weeks. What do you think about us renting a place together?” He peeked at me with one eye open and one closed.
I halted mid-step, my heart happily dancing. “Yeah?”
“I was actually looking for places on my phone before shit went down with Samuel. There’s a three-bedroom available. I can easily afford it, and the guest rooms would be perfect for friends to crash when we’ve been partying. I just wasn’t sure what your plans with Zoe were this year.”
“Oh, shit.” I slapped my palm against my forehead. “I almost forgot.”
“Talk to her and see what you can work out. If worse comes to worst, I’ll move in with you two.” His expression turned cocky. “You’re in my bed one way or the other.”
“Are you threatening me, Mr. Jennings?” My chin jutted up as I folded my arms across my chest, daring him and loving every second of his heated attention.
“Careful, Princess.” He closed the gap between us. He gripped my chin, forcing me to look at him. He bent slightly, his crystal-blue eyes penetrating my soul. “I’m almost well again. Don’t tempt me to turn you over my knee and spank that sweet little ass of yours.”
“If we have a roommate, noisy sex is off the table.” I trailed the tip of my fingernail up his abdomen, his T-shirt bunching up his stomach and revealing the red, thick scar.
“Never underestimate me.” His gaze flashed with mischief, then he firmly pressed his lips against mine.
The sun hid behind the trees as it made its slow descent. Pink, purple, and orange hues painted the sky as Cole and I walked along the pool, talking and planning our future. It was exactly what I needed. There was nothing else to say about Samuel or Rick. At least not that night. For now, I had to stay at the house because that’s where Cole was living. Plus, I couldn’t stay with Zoe or any of the girls, since it would put them in danger. My only option was to stay here and suck it up until Cole and I moved out. Finances were another hurdle. Samuel was paying for my college and housing until I graduated, and I wasn’t sure how to navigate the tricky waters and still be able to attend.
A dark cloud hovered over me as I wondered about my real parents. Were they alive? Rich? Poor? Maybe I’d gotten my sass from my biological mom and my tenacity from my father, but I might never know thanks to Samuel.
One thing I wouldn’t do was be dishonest with Samuel about how I felt concerning his betrayal. I might have been his Princess for all these years, but it didn’t mean I had to follow in his footsteps and lie to the people who trusted me most.
The following few weeks were filled with broken hearts and awkward silences between Samuel and me. I’d asked myself if I were able to forgive him, but I couldn’t. I needed time. Plus, I was considering searching for my biological parents, but I still wasn’t sure I wanted to meet them. What if they were awful people? Junkies or abusive? Cole had suggested that I begin the process, then decide if any information turned up. A quick call to Sutton Westbrook put the pieces into motion, and the rest was a waiting game.
“Zoe is blowing up my phone with crying emojis.” I folded Cole’s T-shirts, then placed them in a box. We both had more to move this year since we’d rented a place together. Zoe had expressed her disappointment but was totally cool about it. Dani had found a house for her, Sibyl, Isabel, and Zoe. I’m not sure how she’d located a four-bedroom, but she did. From the images on the internet, it looked like a lovely home with an alarm system.
“She’ll still see you every day. Tell her to suck it up.” Cole shoved his fingers through his hair and glanced around. “I’m glad we bought some furniture for the rental.”
I scrunched up my nose. “When you said beds were included at the new place …” I wagged my finger. “Hell no. I’m not sleeping in a bed where some skank fucked a million guys.”
Cole laughed. “There’s my girl.”