Page 65 of Forbidden

Shoving my phone in my back pocket, I then removed it again. I would need something to hold onto when I saw Cole.

* * *

Surprisingly, we were all allowed into the ICU. Cole gave us a lopsided grin, clearly on some serious pain medication.

“My favorite people,” he said groggily. “I’m glad to see everyone.”

Cole was in bed, wires everywhere, but the relief I felt when I looked in his beautiful blue eyes nearly crippled me as I thanked God that he was alive.

“Son, don’t ever do that to me again,” Julia chided him, tears slipping down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry, Mom. Shit went sideways so fast.” Cole’s head rolled to me. “Hey, baby.” He reached for my hand, and I took it.

“Hey, are you in a lot of pain?” There wasn’t anything I could do if he were, but I could still ask.

“Not too much. I’m sure I won’t be saying that in a few days. They pump so many drugs into your system for surgery …” Cole frowned, his tongue darting across his lower lip. “I’m thirsty and my throat is sore.”

Julia reached for some ice chips and put a few in a cup, then gave them to him. “Here, honey.” He raised his arm, careful not to disturb his IV. The soft beep of the machines was the only sound as he placed one chip in his mouth and closed his eyes.

Suddenly he frowned, then stared at his mom. “Rick.” He swallowed. “He’s alive. Not sure how. He’s the fucker after me.”

“What?” I pretended to be horrified before I bowed my head, hiding my face in order not to reveal my true reaction. I wasn’t supposed to know that Rick was still walking around on this earth, but I didn’t want to mention that I’d listened to King and Julia’s conversation at the hospital.

Cole nudged me with a finger, and I looked up at him. “I’ll explain this to you later,” he said.

I frowned and nodded. He had a lot to update me on.

Julia smoothed his hair from his forehead. “I know, King told me. We’ll figure this out, Cole, just focus on healing.”

“King has it under control.” Daddy gently patted his leg.

“I don’t understand how, though.” He shook his head, then winced. “Fucking headache.”

“Get some rest, honey.” Julia glanced around for a chair, then Dad brought her one from the other side of the room.

“Yeah,” Cole mumbled, sounding as though he was falling asleep already. “First.” He swallowed. “Shae?”

I rose and squeezed his hand. “Yeah?”

“I love you. When I got shot, all I could see was your face and remember how it felt to kiss you.”

Tears pricked my eyes. I probably should have been embarrassed at his drug-induced confession in front of Daddy and Julia, but I couldn’t have cared less.

“Kiss me,” he whispered.

I leaned over, careful not to touch his torso, then I pressed my lips gently to his. Heaven couldn’t have been sweeter than Cole’s mouth against mine. Everything around me slipped away as we shared our hearts and soul. I straightened and ran my knuckles down his cheek. “I love you, Cole Parker.”

He flashed me a sweet smile before his eyes fluttered closed, and he fell asleep. I refused to look at our parents because, even if they had disapproval written all over their expressions, I didn’t give a fuck. The only thing that mattered was that Cole was alive.


Iremained by Cole’s hospital bedside over the next week-and-a-half. By the time he was discharged, I wasn’t sure who was more excited to go home—him or me. He’d grown restless and grumpy with the staff and wore a sour expression often, but I guess that was to be expected after surgery. After riding his motorcycle anytime he wanted, being cooped up was difficult on him.

Daddy helped Cole to his bed, and I made several trips to the kitchen to gather drinks and snacks. Julia fussed over him and expressed how relieved she was that he was home. We all were. She propped up several pillows and helped Cole get as comfortable as possible before she and Daddy cleared the room, leaving us alone for the first time since he’d left with the MC.

Once I closed and locked the door, he smiled and patted the space beside him. My stomach plummeted as I realized we needed to have some serious conversations about what had happened. Cole had lived through a trauma, and I was well aware that he couldn’t rush the healing process, but we had plenty of time to talk.

“I’ve missed you in my bed. Get your sweet little ass over here.” His deep voice sent shivers all over my body.