Page 43 of Forbidden

I understood everyone’s concern, but it felt more like jail. “Julia, can you talk any sense into them?”

She smiled for a second, then grew serious. “Just because Ibrahim is dead doesn’t mean you’re not a target. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but we’re all trying to keep you safe.”

I shifted in my seat. “Cole, can Zoe at least come over and keep me company? If so, then I won’t argue about being held captive …again.”

Cole scowled at me. “You’re not a prisoner, Shae. Stop being dramatic.”

“You’re giving me whiplash,” I mumbled quietly. “If you all would like to continue to decide my future, then I’ll excuse myself.” I rose. “Is my bag in here or the car?” I asked, not seeing it.

“I’ll get it,” Zayne’s deep voice rumbled through the room.

“Thanks.” I crossed my arms, feeling like absolute shit. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be difficult. Summer break hasn’t started off well, and I don’t want to have to hide from the world for the next few months.”

Daddy stood, a stern expression on his handsome face. “In no way is this your fault, Shae, but if you learned anything today … the danger is real. Whoever is screwing with Cole has no problem coming after his family. I can’t risk losing you, Princess.”

My heart twisted into painful knots. “I know. I’m just struggling with how to deal with everything. I’m angry one second and crying the next.”

The door opening pulled my attention away from our conversation.

Zayne handed the bag to me, but Cole took it instead.

“Thank you, Zayne.”

“I’m going to go change into my own clothes. I’ll be back in a few.” I left the living room, my mind spinning with chaotic thoughts. Once I closed the door and changed into my own clothes, I tossed Cole’s into the hamper, then located my phone.

My fingers danced across the keyboard as I texted Zoe.

I’ll be at Cole’s for a while.

Only seconds passed before my cell vibrated with her message.

Wait. As in Cole’s house? He has his own place?

I sighed. I hadn’t had time to tell her all of the important details.

Yeah, but it’s kind of a secret. I’ll explain when you come over.

The little black dots bounced as she typed.

Girl, I think Cole is full of secrets.

Agreed. I’ll talk to Cole and see when you can come over. I’ll let you know.

Sounds good.

I tossed my phone on the bed. A ball of anger, confusion, and a chest-squeezing depression began to unravel inside me. The longer I was around Cole, the more I learned about him and his family. His earlier confession that he’d killed people without blinking should have terrified me, but it hadn’t. I wondered if it was possible to still be a good person with blood on your hands. Even though I hadn’t realized it at first, Cole shooting Ibrahim saved my life. I certainly wasn’t going to hold that against him.

Flopping back on the bed, a heavy exhaustion pulled at me. Zoe’s comment returned to my thoughts. There were some secrets I couldn’t share with her, but I suspected Cole had a lot more. It would only be a matter of time before I saw the darkness firsthand. I hoped I was ready.


The following days passed agonizingly slowly, and my moods bounced around like a four-square ball on bumpy asphalt. One minute I was ready to take on the world, and the next, I questioned my judgment of character. How had I not seen who Ibrahim really was? After plenty of time to allow the assault to sink in, I’d decided he was right. I hadn’t bothered to pay attention to the people around me. As long as I had money and did what I wanted, then I didn’t give a shit about anyone except my friends and Daddy. The rape had been a big wake-up call, and at times I wasn’t sure if the fear and pain would ever subside. I’d spent an increasing amount of time in bed, too.

The darkness I’d been battling was too heavy to fight alone, and I finally picked up the phone and reached out to Natalie. She’d become my saving grace, calling me every day, listening to me cry, hate the world, hate men, and hate myself. Just when I thought I was feeling better, another tidal wave of depression and fear, accompanied by nightmares, crushed me again. The first week was hell, but my tests had come back clean, which was a huge relief.

By day eight, Natalie showed up at the door, dragged me out of bed, and ordered me to shower. She sat on the toilet and talked to me while I cleaned up. She suggested some mental exercises to practice when the flashbacks were bad. Before she took me home, she handed me a list of things to do each day—shower, take a walk on the property with Cole, call her even if it was only for a few minutes, and reach out to Zoe.

Natalie shared about her harrowing assault, what she felt afterward, and the steps she took in order to move forward again. She visited at least once a week, and Cole made himself scarce when she was there. It was probably a good break for him. Babysitting me probably sucked ass, but he never made me feel like shit about it.