Page 42 of Forbidden

“Sorry, son. We didn’t mean to scare you. I should have called and let you know that we were almost here.”

I sagged with relief as Julia’s voice carried down the hall.

“Where’s Shae?” Daddy asked, his words thick with worry.

“I’m here.” I said, hurrying toward him. “Daddy.” I flew into his arms like I had when I was a little girl, wrapping my arms around his neck. Sobs wracked my shoulders as Daddy’s love wrapped me in a warm cocoon. For the first moments since the assault, I felt completely safe. Daddy had always taken care of me.

“Princess, are you okay?” He released me, his fearful gaze examining me and immediately fixating on the lump on the side of my head. He wiped my cheeks, then kissed me on the tip of my nose.

“I’m all right.” I gave him a sad smile. It was then that I spotted a guy with light brown hair and emerald green eyes. An ex-military vibe rolled off him, filling the space in the room. His black Westbrook Security polo stretched across his broad chest and conformed around his massive biceps.

Cole slipped his arm around my waist, glowering at the poor guy.

“Shae, this is Zayne, our bodyguard.” Dad motioned to him.

“Hi,” I said, a little too breathlessly.

Cole’s hold tightened on me as Zayne shook our hands, then continued to stand silently near the front door.

“We should sit down. The guys will hang outside.” Cole nodded to the men on the couch and chairs in the living room.

“Let us know if you need anything, man.” Brute patted Cole on the back before the men went outside and left us alone with our parents.

Cole and I sat on the couch while Julia and Daddy sat in the chairs across from us. Daddy’s nerves were showing as he sat on the edge of his seat, his attention bouncing between us. “What happened?”

I glanced at Cole. He nodded his encouragement, slipping his cool, calm mask into place. “Before I left the house this morning, I got a text message from Ibrahim. He wanted to see me. After Cole beat the shit out of him the other day, I wanted to see if he might need help with the hospital bill. It was the least I could do since I’d already gotten him fired.” I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable. The Advil was wearing off, and the exam had hurt, making the pain worse.

“Shae.” Daddy frowned hard, disappointment registering in his features.

I peeked at Julia, but she remained quiet and unreadable. I wondered if Cole’s ability to conceal his emotions came from his mom.

“I’m sorry I lied. I was trying to make things right without throwing shade at Cole.”

“What happened? Why do you have a big lump on the side of your head?” Daddy demanded.

I shot a questioning look at Cole. Why had I thought he’d explained part of what happened? Granted, I’d been pretty out of it all day, but …dammit.I rubbed my forehead and groaned. Suddenly a sharp desire to tell them everything rushed up inside of me. “I’m just going to say it. I don’t know any other way.” I looked my daddy directly in the eyes. “Ibrahim attacked me. He hit me on the side of the head with his pistol, then he raped me. Cole and the guys found me tied to a chair in a basement. Ibrahim didn’t make it out alive.”

Julia’s gasp filled the room, and horror coasted over Daddy’s features.

“Needless to say, I regret not listening to you.”

Tears filled Daddy’s eyes, then he shot out of his chair and paced, practically wearing a hole in Cole’s floor. “That son of a bitch deserves to rot in fucking Hell. If he were alive, I would kill him myself. Whoever took him out deserves a medal.” Daddy scrubbed his face with his palms, then pulled me into a hug. “I’m so sorry, Princess.” He smoothed my hair and held me. “Have you seen a doctor?” His voice cracked with grief, intertwined with anger. I knew Daddy well enough that after he processed what I’d shared, he would be hot-pissed. Not at me, but that I was assaulted.

“I had Natalie, the MC’s doc, visit. She talked with Shae, and I assume checked her out. I was waiting for her in the hall while it happened. I wanted to give Shae some privacy,” Cole explained.

Tears slid down my cheeks. “Just to be on the safe side, she’s testing me for any diseases. She also suggested I talk to someone to help me process what I lived through.” My knee bounced uncontrollably.

The grim set of Daddy’s jaw told me he was thinking. Hard. “Cole, keep her here. Julia packed a bag for you, Shae. You should have enough clothes for …” Daddy looked at Julia.

“Four days, hon. You know how I like to pack for the worst-case scenario.” She gave me a sheepish smile. “I’ll bring you more, though.”

“So, that’s it? I’m going to stay here with Cole? I can’t come home?” I turned and pointed to Zayne. “Can’t Zayne keep me safe?”

“No,” Cole barked out before anyone else had an opportunity to speak. His gaze narrowed briefly before he folded his arms across his chest, standing firm.

I hid my face in my hands, inhaling deeply before I punched Cole.

“Shae, you’ll be safer here. Not many people know about Cole’s house. Plus, King will be around, I’m sure.”