Page 66 of Forbidden

I climbed in next to him, smiling and happy that he was alive and home. “No sexual activity, Cole,” I said, mimicking the doctor. “Two more weeks of healing before you even consider it.”

Cole chuckled and placed his hand on my knee. “Who said anything about having sex? I’ve had days to think about all the ways I can get you off without fucking you.”

His response stunned me, and I stammered, but my body was fully alert and eager to hear what he had in mind.

“Cole, you’ll get worked up, and I can’t even suck you off. You’re not allowed to tighten your abdominal muscles. That’s not fair. As much as I would love to play around, I’ll wait with you.” I leaned over and nipped his bottom lip, then pressed my lips to his. “I missed you so bad.”

“I’m here, baby.” He carefully smoothed my hair. “And I need to see you come.”

“Cole, I’m not sure what to do with you. Do the pain meds make you horny? If the parents catch wind of us messing around, they’ll ship me off to college early and you’ll be bingeing Netflix by yourself.”

His forehead creased in a frown, then he grabbed my chin, his hold tightening. “A week. No longer. I highly recommend you not argue with me, or there will be consequences. Do you understand?”

Was it wrong that my pussy quivered from his demands, and that I couldn’t wait until he was healed to dominate me?

“Yeah,” I whispered.

“Until then, under no circumstances are you to touch yourself or use the vibrators in your nightstand.” He smirked before his hand slowly fell away.

I snorted and shot him a horrified look. “First, snooping is not cool. Second, that’s taking it too far. I’m not the one laid up in bed, so I should be allowed to have a little fun while you heal.” I tilted my head and quirked my brow, challenging him.

“Then reconsider and let me lick your cunt now.” His expression grew serious.

I shook my head. “You would have to lay on your belly, and that’s a no, babe.”

“I’ll lay flat, you straddle my face. Simple.” He quirked a dark brow. “Let’s try it. Just one taste, baby. If I move a muscle in my stomach, we’ll stop.”

I stared at him, wondering if he was crazy, but I also understood that he was relentless until he got what he wanted.

“Take your shorts and panties off,” he ordered. “Then help me lay back without the pillows.”

I hopped off the bed, ensuring the door was locked before I stripped down.

“That’s my girl.” His greedy gaze raked over me.

After we gently situated him flat on his back, I crawled over him and propped up on my elbows with my face near his hard cock that was pressing against his basketball shorts. It took everything inside me not to suck on him, but he would clench his tummy muscles if I did.

“You haven’t left me since the accident. Relax, and let me give you this.” He dug his fingers into my sides, and I hovered over him. His tongue swiped my wet slit, and I moaned.

“Jesus, you taste so damned good. I’ve missed my pussy.” His hold tightened as he teased and touched me in the best way possible.

My attention was glued to his stomach until the pleasure was too much, and I could no longer focus. Somehow, he kept true to his word and hadn’t moved except for his mouth. I gasped and moaned, trying to be still. If I jostled him, I would feel horrible. I was already surprised I’d given into him.

He shoved his tongue inside while he massaged my bundle of nerves with his thumb. Apparently, he had figured out how to make this work without hurting himself. It didn’t take long before I quivered, my release hitting me hard. I bit my lip in order not to yell his name. All the tension and fear from the last several weeks slipped away as the pleasure took over.

Cole slapped my ass, and I yelped.

“Told you I could do it.” He smacked me again, then I lifted a leg over him and carefully hopped off the bed. It had been a while since I’d seen his bathroom, but it was as large as mine, with a huge walk-in closet. The light turned on as soon as I entered, then I searched for a couple of washcloths. I cleaned myself, then located a fresh, damp cloth for him along with his tube of toothpaste from his counter and took it to him.

“Here.” I offered him a smile as he wiped his mouth and chin.

He squirted a little toothpaste on his finger, then licked it off like it was candy. “Probably shouldn’t talk to mom smelling like your pussy.”

“Ya think?” I snorted, then returned the items, and repositioned his pillows before I climbed into bed. I looked at him briefly, noting the way his hair covered his forehead, the sharp nose I’d learned to love, and the angular, well-defined line of his jaw. I took his hand in mine, overwhelmed with gratitude that he was alive and next to me.

“Cole, are you up for a talk?”

He grinned. “A postcoital conversation, huh?”